
By Authoress Rhema

Days later**

It’s been some days now When Zhou Xiuying was taken back to the lab team as an robot

The real Zhou Xiuying has also woken up already, she was already taking back home to her family, her family misses her so much and because of this they have been partying all week

Li Chun is leaving with her uncle, even though she’s not doing that too fine but still, she have accepted fate and have decided to face reality

As for Xu Feng, he’s not doing fine at all, through out this past days, he has been greatly sick, he refuse to eat or take medication, he just can’t believe his girlfriend is gone like that

Dylan is also copping well, thou his legs are still broken but he’s used to it a bit, his cousin Cai Gua is still in the hospital, his hands, leg, head, body, everything are disfigured and the doctor said he’ll need a lot of time to recover

Bai Zu is still recovering from the rappe, even though, he didn’t rappe her completely, the little was enough to send her shaking, she has now become really quite than before

As for Rong Yi, both her and Chu Maha didn’t change one bit, guessing nemesis hasn’t cought up with them yet.


Rong Yi’s Place**

Both Rong Yi and Chu Maha sat at the leaving room, celebrating like they are the only ones in the world

“Cheers again for our success, Zhou Xiuying is gone” Rong Yi smiled and clicked her glass with Chu Maha, they both drank up

While partying and watching TV, the station changed to the immediate news station

🖥️ Congratulations onces again to the Zack team lab, for months they have been looking for their most priceless robot and they finally found it, how do you feel Mr Lu?” The reporter asked Lu Chen who’s sitting there for an interview

🖥️I feel so good, really good

🖥️So, who was the lucky person to find her, who was that lucky person to get the billions of dollars?

🖥️He’s a detective, it wasn’t that hard for him to figure her out, his name is Si Yuren

Rong Yi and Chu Maha both looked at themselves in shock

“Detective Si Yuren?!!” They both uttered in shock

🖥️The Zack team lab has offered free tour for anyone to check out our robots collection tommorow around 2pm….

Rong Yi turned off the TV angrily

“I can’t believe this, after all the money we paid him, he fooled us!!” She lamented angrily.


Zhou’s Empire**

Zhou Xiuying kept sitting on her bed and crying, that’s what she does most of the time,to just remember everything and cry

The knock sounded on her door and she immediately cleaned her eyes

“Who?” She asked

“It’s me hunny” Bai Hua, her mother replied

“Mom, please come in” Zhou Xiuying smiled and her mother entered

“Xiuying, you’re crying again?” Bai Hua asked, going to sit beside her on the bed

“Mom” Zhou Xiuying called trying not to cry

“So your emotions were inside that robot, how does it feel?” Bai Hua asked

“It feels good mom but I don’t wanna talk about it, I don’t wanna remember anything” Zhou Xiuying shook her head

“Let me guess, you fell in love right?” Bai Hua asked

“How.. did you…?”

“It’s glaring all over your face, beside you’re my daughter, how won’t I know” Bai Hua smiled

“I couldn’t help but fall in love him, but he’s going to hate me now, to him I might be the cause if his girlfriend death” Zhou Xiuying cried

“Shhhh, come here” Bai Hua moved to hug her tight

“Love Isn’t just about face, if you were in her body and he fell in love with the you inside then the her outside then it doesn’t matter about who’s face it is or not” Bai Hua said but Zhou Xiuying continued crying

“I don’t know what to do or feel anymore, I’m just feeling bad, maybe I shouldn’t have woken up for real” she cried

“Shh, don’t say that” Bai Hua storked her back gently


Some hours later**

The car stopped at the front of a small house and Zhou Xiuying got down, she walked up to the door and knocked on it slowly

The door opened, revealing a familiar woman

“Aunt Bing” Zhou Xiuying smiled

“Xiuying,I’m really happy, it’s so good seeing you back on your feet” the woman named Bing hugged her tight

Zhou Xiuying smiled and hugged her back

“Bai Zu, is she in?” She asked and Bing sighed


Bai Zu could be seen painting inside the room, the cracking sound of the door made her springed up instantly, she picked the knife at her side and pointed it up

“Zu, it’s me” Zhou Xiuying let out a soft smile

Bai Zu slowly put down the knife and Zhou Xiuying rushed to hug her tight

“I missed you so much Zu, I’m so happy to see and hug you again” she said in admist tears

Bai Zu hugged her back, really tight, she didn’t say anything other than to sniff, Zhou Xiuying pulled away from the hug and stared at her

“I’m sorry, I didn’t give that bastard enough treatment for what he did to you” she said

Tears rolled out of Bai Zu eyes and she immediately wiped it off

“Aunt Bing told me that you lost your voice after he raped you, he’s a bastard!! He deserves to die in that hospital bed” Zhou Xiuying muttered angrily

Bai Zu wiped her tears and pulled Zhou Xiuying’s hands then began dragging her to the table, she took a paper and wrote something on it

“The tour at Zack team lab, you wanna go?” Zhou Xiuying asked and Bai Zu nodded

“Alright, let’s go… I also missed my Zhou Xiuying” Zhou Xiuying smiled.


Next Day… Zack Team Lab**

It’s 2pm already, people are starting to come and go, they were a lot of robots everywhere, some walking about, some talking, some sitting some dancing

Dylan arrived in his wheel chair with Han Zihao and Lan Singtan, while Lan Singtan was pushing him around, Han Zihao kept looking at everywhere

Li Chun also arrived with a smile, she waved at Lan Singtan

“Men, Dylan I’ll gave to dump you… My babe needs me” Lan Singtan smiled


“She promised to give us a chance, bye” Lan Singtan waved and left

“Hey Singtan come back here you bastard!!” Dylan yelled and scoffed

He tried pushing him but couldn’t, he sighed and threw his head backwards

“I can help you” someone said from behind,he turned to see that mask girl again

“I didn’t come here with a friend anyways” she shurgged and began pushing him

“Who the hell are you?” He asked

“No one important, let’s go” she smiled, pushing him around the place

The glass door opened and Zhou Xiuying stepped in with Bai Zu, she smiled and began scrolling around till she saw Lu Chen

“Mr Lu” she rushed up to him immediately

“Please can I see that robot that took my emotions,I promise I won’t get close to her,please” she pleaded with folded palms

“Sure but she’s still charging, she won’t be able to talk or do anything till she’s full” Lu Chen replied

“No probs, just tell me where to find her” Zhou Xiuying replied

“Over there” Lu Chen pointed

Zhou Xiuying held Bai Zu hands and pulled her towards the direction of the robot, She met Li Chun standing there and she cleared her throat

Li Chun slowly turned her and wiped her tears

“You’re the emotions she was using right?” Li Chun asked

“Hmm” Zhou Xiuying nodded

“You’re pretty” Li Chun smiled

“Thank you” Zhou Xiuying smiled too

Li Chun looked at Lan Singtan and they both left together then Zhou Xiuying went near robot, her eyes were closed

“Zhou Xiuying, at least they left your red hair” Zhou Xiuying smiled

Bai Zu just watched with quietness

Zhou Xiuying brought her hands up to the robot face and began stroking it gently

“It’s me Sun, I miss you, if you’re for sale I could have purchased you” Zhou Xiuying pouted then turned back to see Xu Feng coming from afar

She gasped and held Bai Zu’s hands then dragged her to hide at the back of a door

Xu Feng got to the robot and let out a bitter smile

“Ying Er, finally I can see you again” he muttered and brought his shaky hands to caress her face

“I’ve not been myself lately, I miss you so f**king much” he whispered and tears rolled down his eyes

“I can’t believe this is what you really are” he added and wiped his tears

Zhou Xiuying hid by the wall, watching him with sad and teary eyes

“If only you can just open your eyes and talk to me” Xu Feng muttered

Just then the robot battery went full and she opened her eyes then blinked

“Zhou Xiuying” Xu Feng smiled

She looked at him and smiled too then he brought his hands to her face

“I miss you, I miss everything about you, your hair, your face, your eyes, your nose,your voice” he smiled

“Hey there, welcome to Zack team lab, how may I help you?” She said and he frozed

“Zhou Xiuying..” he called

“I’m not Zhou Xiuying I’m CK6605B3 the head of all the robot in this lab,do you want me to give you a tour around?” She asked with a smile

A tear drop down from Xu Feng’s eyes as he stared her

“It’s me Xu Feng” he said

“Welcome to the lab team Xu Feng, I’m CK6605B3” she smiled

Xu Feng moved back slowly and shook his head, she has really changed, there’s no sign of softness in those eyes, her voice is back to the first they he saw her

“There are a lot of activities we do, a lot of entertaining gadgets and mini robots,will you like me to show you some?” She said again

“Ying Er…”

“I’m not Ying Er, I’m CK6605B3” she smiled

Xu Feng shook his head and moved back till he was no out of sight then Zhou Xiuying came out with Bai Zu

“Xu Feng” she muttered in tears

“Hey there welcome to Zack team lab, I’m CK6605B3, I can show you around if you want” the robot said from behind

Zhou Xiuying turned back to stare at her dumb foldedly, she has really changed already

Dylan saw Xu Feng leaving the lab in tears

“Hey mask girl can you please take me out and follow that boy” he said

“Aye aye captain” the girl smiled and began pushing him out, she finally got out with him

“Xu Feng” Dylan called out before Xu Feng could enter his car

Xu Feng paused while Dylan motioned the girl to push him closer,the girl pushed him closer to Xu Feng

“When will you stop doing this yourself men, just accept the fact that Zhou Xiuying is gone, she can’t come back to you because she is a robot, a fking robot that has been using another person emotions to love you, she’s right there, you’ve seen the real her right, that’s how she is, you can’t expect her to feel what you’re feeling, I know it hurts alot but as a human should experience this right?” Dylan said

Xu Feng just listened, his tears were still flowing

“We are on vacation now, you failed your exams because of all this, you’re still so young, I once loved Zhou Xiuying but she hated me to the core, no matter how much I tired she hated me, and that was her real self then you were lucky to take the emotional part of her that belongs to someone else now she’s gone you want to destroy your life??”

“School resumes in 3months time,I wanna see you back on your feet,just forget about the robot, you can come see her here everyday but just have it in mind that you can’t date her again it’s not even possible in real life, how can you be acting this way all because of Robot that don’t remember you,your mother father and sister are so worried about you,you’re also looking skinny these days… Look at me, I can’t even walk but I didn’t allow it to get to me, please try to be strong Xu Feng this is my advice for you as a real friend” Dylan said and looked at the mask girl

She nodded and pushed him back to the house ward, Xu Feng slowly fell on his knees and looked up in tears

“Zhou Xiuying” he muttered and looked down back

Zhou Xiuying who was have standing behind him, clean up her tears

“I know what to do” she muttered and went back in.

Like breeze, three months passed by, during the three months, things were going smoothly for some people, Li Chun is now completely fine, she’s not over Zhou Xiuying yet but she can manage, especially when she has Lan Singtan and Li Yifeng by her side

Dylan legs are now completely healed while Cai Gua is still at the hospital, although Xu Feng isn’t crying anymore, he has now turned back to the quiet Xu Feng while Zhou Xiuying made her decision to start school at Rong high and do whatever it takes to win Xu Feng back.


Rong High**

The school has now resumed, it’s back to normal it’s just that Dylan is no longer a jerk, Rong Yi and Chu Maha still remains the school bully while Su Zheng has cut ties with then, she’s now sitting on her own

The history teacher was teaching while students were taking note, Li Chun is sitting alone since there’s no more Zhou Xiuying

Then footsteps were heard, the class door opened and principal Dong Hua stepped in with Zhou Xiuying, who’s dressed in her uniform, she didn’t bother styling her hair red since like her mom said, love isn’t just about face and looks or body

“I’m very sorry for interrupting this class, we have a new student please” princpal Dong Hua said

Zhou Xiuying came to the view with a smile

“Hi everyone, I’m Zhou Xiuying” she smiled

The way she said that made Xu Feng looked up, that’s exactly how Zhou Xiuying do introduced herself when she was new to the school but seeing she wasn’t the one, he sighed and faced his book back

Li Chun looked up at her and smiled and little while Rong Yi and Chu Maha were rolling their eyes at the back as usual

“She’ll be learning in this class from now on, I hope you guys will show her love” principal Dong Hua added and left

Zhou Xiuying smiled and looked at everyone mostly Xu Feng, the look in her eyes says she’s determined to bring him back no matter what, she’s ready to face any kind of hardship

“Welcome to Rong High Zhou Xiuying, please have a sit beside her” the teacher pointed Li Chun

Zhou Xiuying smiled and walked up to sit beside Li Chun

“Hi I’m Zhou Xiuying” she smiled

“Li Chun” Li Chun smiled too

Zhou Xiuying smiled, even though she’s not in the robot body, but it feels good seeing her dear friend again

“I just hope with time, everything will be normal” she thought with a sighed

The teacher faced the board and continued teaching, Zhou Xiuying turned back to look at Xu Feng, he didn’t spare her a glance

“Just give me some time, I’ll fix you, I promise” she smiled and faced the board, listening to the teacher

She kept smiling, it’s a smile that says she’s not ready to give up yet, no matter what she won’t give up, she’s going to continue from where Zhou Xiuying stopped it’s a promise.


OMG done and dusted.

I know the ending is really heartbreaking, most of you are wondering about the rest right?? Well there will be season 2 but… It’ll come later, not now.


Thank you all for reading this book from the beginning to the end despite the hard names, my next story will be with English names but get ready to break your teeth again when the season two comes.



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