October 18, 2024



Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 73

Five months later ****

“Hey sleepy head wake up” a lady said as she hit her sister’s head with a pillow

“Aiisshhh Lily” she groan angrily

“Hey Lila” Lily said and she keep hitting her with the pillow

Lila angrily take the pillow next to her and throw at Lily who wasn’t expecting it
“Lila that was for??”

“For waking me up, you know I hate that bullsht” she snapped, her voice is very loud and scary

“Lila calm down why are you angry, this is not the first time I’m waking you up” Lily said.
“Well let this be the last time” Lila said sternly and Lily just stared at her looking confused

“Your behavior lately need a serious attention, bbs are now big, you’re getting fat and your tummy, are they feeding you in your dream?”

“Lily get out” Lila said sternly

“Young lady you are pregnant, go and meet your Alex” Lily said and Lila glared at her immediately
“I told you to stop mentioning that name” Lila said

“I will mention it cause Alex is the one that’s taking care of you” she said and Lila widened her eyes

“What do you mean?”

“Wait do you think I’m stealing, the expensive clothes you are putting on is from Alex, this new house we’re living in is for Alex, he bought this house in your name without your knowledge and the money is from Alex, he used to send 2M monthly to my bank account, he’s the one that establish that big clothing store for Mom, he’s the one sponsoring my modelling career, he put under the best modelling agency” Lily said then sigh heavily

“Alex did all this?”

“He did it cause he love you” Lily said
Lily’s phone make a sound and she check it then smiled, she showed Lila and Lila widened her eyes

“See he just send 2M to be right now, so you better sit upright and don’t be an ingrate” Lily said and stroll out of her room, catwalking like a runaway model like she is, Lily is a model and Alex is the one sponsoring her, he put her under the best modelling agency and she’s doing well

Over this one year that passed, a lot of things have change, Lily is now a model, Yuri is a professional hacker working in Davis company, Ryan is a private investigator, he’s working with Yuri, Eliana is a Nurse working in Alex hospital and Lila, she’s on her own

Kehlani is now a top model competing with other top models except Lily, they both share same spotlight but they’re not rivals, they besties BFF, Lucia went back to her country Thailand to stay with her mom but she do come to America every weekend

Isabel is done with high school, she’s now a college student and trinity left Harris when she heard about the incident, Rachael is done cooling her a$s in jail, Alex release her cause of her baby


Lila pov
So Alex did all this
I stare at my reflection in front of the mirror, am I really pregnant or Lily is deceiving me.

My bbs are big than the normal size, my getting fat and my tummy, it’s strong as if something is inside it, it’s not longer flat like before, it’s big as if I over eat .

Hope it’s not what I’m thinking

I step out from my room and I was welcome with the smell of bacon, I hungrily ran downstairs and saw everyone eating.

“No one even bother to call me for breakfast” I said and Lily glared at me instantly

“Why do think I was in your room I came to wake you up and you sent me out” Lily said and I rolled my eyeballs

I drag the chair out and sat on it, i hungrily devour my food without even waiting for my mom to pray, they all stare at me and reduce my pace

“Why are you all staring at me” I said and pout my lip
“Lila are you pregnant?” My mom asked and I laughed

“I thought I’m the only one that noticing it” Lily said
“Mom I’m not pregnant” I said

“Lila you can talk to me” my mom said
“My mom bel…….”
I hastily ran to the bathroom that’s downstairs and throw up, Lily sooth my back as I breathe out, I rinse my mouth then stare at Lily

“Am I pregnant?”

“You’re asking me that question” Lily replied bluntly
“I’m going to the hospital” I said and walk past her


Few minutes later
We arrive at the hospital waiting in the doctor’s office for the result, my heart is racing pretty fast

I heard the door open and I tilt my head to see the doctor walking in holding some papers, he sat on his chair then smiled at us

“Doctor what’s the results am I pregnant?” I rushed my words
“Lila calm down, doctor the result” Lily said

“Well actually, she’s pregnant” the doctor said and I widened my eyes
“See I’m always right” Lily said

“She’s four months pregnant and you guys don’t know” the doctor said

“We just paid attention to it” Lily said

“We did scan for her and she’s pregnant with twins” the doctor and my body start heating up

My bum keep moving on the chair, my brain is trying to comprehend what that doctor said
“You mean there are twins growing in my tummy” I said and he nod

“Doctor thank you” Lily said as she drag me outside

This is real, this is what we wanted and now we have it, this is what he want
“Lila you have to tell Alex” Lily said

“I’m not telling him anytime” I said
“You wanna deny him of his baby, Lila are you okay?”

“It’s my baby not yours” I said
“If you are not gonna tell him I will do that” she said and I sigh

“This Saturday is his family gathering, everyone will be present and I want you to be there, you must tell him but before that we need to go to the club tonight” Lily said

“A club??”

“It’s more like a club, a mask party so I want us to go and enjoy ourselve” Lily said

“Let’s see how you are gonna escape him tonight” Lily muttered silently and Lila just stared at her

“Did you say something?” I asked
“No I wasn’t saying anything” she replied

“But your lip just moved” I said
“So I can’t move my lip in peace again” Lily said and I just twitch my lip

We got outside and I enter the car, I open the front seat door and Lily close the door back
“Why are you closing it” I asked

“Seat at the back you’re pregnant” she replied
“Lily it’s just four months” I said and she rolled her eyeballs

“I don’t care, seat at the back” she said
Lily open the back seat door and I entered it “put on your seatbelt”


Alex pov
“So that’s how we’re gonna distribute the surgery” I said
“Alex your phone” Cole said

“I’m in a meeting” I said
“It’s Lily” he said and I raise my eyebrows
The doctors glance at each other, actually I’m in a meeting concerning some patients
“I’m in a meeting” I said

“Don’t drop the call” she said and I pause
“Have you seen the money?” I asked
“Sure but I need to tell you something” she replied

“I’m listening”

“Lila is now three so your money have to increase” she said and I chuckled

“What do you mean three” I said smiling

“You will understand tomorrow, we’re coming for the family gathering tomorrow” she said
“I will be expecting you girls”I said and the doctors glance at me

“Can you come over today, there’s a mask party and I want you to be there, I will text the address and time to you” she said
“I will try to come” I said

“You better come, Lila is gonna be there but seriously Alex you are a strong man” she said


“Just three shot and she become three” she said and I chuckled
“What are you talking about?”

“Nevermind, I’m expecting you tonight, I will send the outfit she’s gonna wear so you won’t mistake another girl as her you know it’s a mask party” she said and I smiled

“I will definitely come” I said

“Strong man, three shot boom and she become three”


“Strong man, three shot boom and she becomes three”

Lily 😹🤣

It’s Five months not one year, my mistake


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