October 18, 2024



Princess Stories

Episode 8

Gift came out of the church premises with big smiles on her face. She hurriedly left fort eh parking lot to locate her dad’s car as usual.

“Daddy!” She called out and hugged her father as soon as she sighted him.

“How are you dear? Please go to the main auditorium and call your mom let’s go home.” Her father said and she ran to call her mom.

“Mom we’re waiting.” She said to her mom who she sighted seated quietly at one corner in the church.

“Mommy…..we’re waiting.” She said again, touching her this time. Belinda shook fearfully at her daughter’s physical contact. It was obvious she had travelled really far in her world of thoughts.

“Daddy is waiting for us.” Gift said as her mom stared blankly at her.

“Oh your dad….yes ehm…let’s go.” She said and got up immediately

“Mommy the door is that way.” Gift said and pointed at a particular direction.

“Oh yes…..yeah that’s true.”

“Mommy your bag, you forgot your bag.” Gift said, calling her attention to her church bag she had left on a seat.”

“Oh…it skipped my mind, sorry. Please bring it for me.” Belinda said and turned around for sometime before heading towards the direction of the auditorium exit.

“Mommy are you okay?” Gift asked with a gentle touch on her wrist.

“I’m fine dear.” Belinda said with a smile after she had comported herself.

“you stayed longer than expected.” Dave said calmly as soon as his wife got into the car.

“I’m sorry, it skipped my mind you were waiting.” Belinda said and Dave raised a brow at her reply

“You forgot I was waiting?” He asked and kept quiet. Dave tuned the radio to a station that sang gospel song on Sundays before starting the car and driving his family home.

As soon as they got home, Belinda headed straight to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her family.

She had made stew the day before so she just had to bring it out from the fridge and have it warmed, then cook a few cups of rice that’d be enough for a meal.

Unknowing to her, her husband stood at the kitchen door and observed her movements. He could sense something was up with his wife even though she hadn’t said anything yet.

“Go help your mommy out in the kitchen, will you?” He told Gift when he noticed Belinda wasn’t concentrating and thus was being very clumsy.

“Okay Daddy.” She said and ran to the kitchen to meet her mom.

“Mommy let me help with that.” Gift said and collected the plates from her to wash. Belinda smiled sweetly at her daughter.

“Thank you so much, dear”

Soon lunch was served and the family ate quietly.
“Gift clear the table. Mummy needs to rest.” Dave said and Gift obeyed

“This Sunday was really hectic.” Belinda said as she let herself fall on the bed with her arms spread wide.
Dave was quiet for a while. He went into the shower to freshen up and came to see his wife sleeping peacefully on her bed.

“She must really be tired.” He thought to himself and just then she turned to face him.

“Is something wrong?” She asked.

“No dear, I thought you were sleeping.”

“I don’t thinking I want to sleep, really. I just need a little rest, but if I sleep off from there, better for me.”

“Hmmm…” was all Dave said and let her be.
“It’s been a while she’s been acting strange. She always deep in thoughts and doesn’t look like someone who enjoys her sleep lately.

I really hope she’s fine and would talk to me about what’s bothering her soon.” He thought to himself and left for the parlour to listen to the news.
He saw Gift walking past him to go the master’s bedroom and asked her to go back to her room.

“But I’ve not done my assignment.” She said with a pout.

“Sweetie just….give your mom a little time to rest okay? You’d do your assignment later, when she wakes up.” Dave said and Gift grumbled her way back to her room.

At about an hour later, Dave was feeling sleepy but didn’t want to sleep yet. He decided to work on some files on his laptop.
As soon as he got into his room, he picked his laptop and was about heading out when he heard strange sounds.

He turned around and looked towards the bed to see his wife tossing around uncomfortably.

“No no no no no no” He could hear her say as he moved closer to her to wake her up.

“Babe calm down, it was a dream.” He said as he pulled his panicky wife to his chest.

“I just had a dream, a nightmare.” She said with a shaky voice.

“I was being pursued by some creatures I….I don’t know. It was a hot chase. It was as if I had something in my possession that they wanted badly. I tripped some of the times while running, but I got up and continued because I was so scared of the creatures catching up with me.” She said as Dave listened attentively.

“These creatures you’re talking about, are they human beings or what do they look like?”

“They were short, really dark and ugly.”

“Hmmm….well, it’s just a dream and…”

“No it’s not!” Belinda cut in.

“How can it be just a dream and I’m sweating profusely like this and breathing so hard?”

“Hmm…okay fine, it’s just not a dream. When it’s time for family altar we’ll pray and ask God to protect us in our dreams.” Dave said and Belinda nodded.

“Mommy my assignment, I’ve not finished with my assignment.” Gift said as she barged into her parents’ room without a knock.

“I’m coming dear, go to your room and wait for me.”


Belinda, Dave and Gift observed their family vigil for 20mins and retired to bed.
Dave slept off as soon as his body toughed the soft bed, but nit Belinda. She had to wait for a few minutes before sleep decided to visit her

“Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!!” Belinda screamed from her sleep and sat up immediately.

“What is it?!” Dave said, getting up from sleep immediately.

“A dream, it’s a dream.” She said and Dave buried his head in his right palm.

“What was it this time?”

“A tall and fierce-looking giant was threatening me. It said……” She tried to recall.

“Said what? “ The impatient Dave asked.

“I’ve forgotten what it said.” She said

“Oh God. What is this, just what is this?” He soliloquized and exhaled heavily.

“Babe I think we should stop the prayers.” Belinda said. David looked at her like she had dropped a bombshell.


“The dream,s the nightmares…..they all started ever since we started building our family altar through prayers. Please we have to stop it so at least I can have a peace night rest after a long day at work.” Belinda said as her husband blankly at her, totally out of words.

“Aree you the one saying this right now? I mean you’re the one that brought the idea of you wanting to be serious with God as a way of paying the vow made to him when you lost your job; you’re also the one that supported Gift’s idea of use building or re-building our family altar and now you’re saying we should quit already after barely a month into this? Are you sure you’re listening to yourself this miniute?” David asked and Belinda was quiet for a while like she was having a re-think.

“But babe I’m scared. I feel attacked; not just that, I feel I’m being attacked because of this prayer thing we engage in at midnight.

I get chased in my dreams, I see myself in really awkward situations in my dreams and…..sometimes even get wounded in my dreams. I’ve never experienced these kind of dreams before until recently. I miss my peaceful night rests babe, try to understand me.”

“I understand you; after all I get affected by your sleepless nights too because your screams do wake me up and keep me awake till daybreak.

What I don’t understand is why we should run or chicken out at the face of a challenge. You should see these bad dreams and nightmares as a challenge and maximize it well by using this opportunity to know how to pray peace into your dream life again.

This challenge should also be an opportunity for us to taste and see how powerful this God we’ve decided to get serious with actually is. Let’s take this challenge as an opportunity babe, and nbot as an excuse to relent in buikding the kind og relatiosnhop you want with God.”


“Come here.” Dave said and wrapped his arms around his wife.

“You’ll be fine dear, you’ll be fine. We’ll just be more prayerful. I saw somewhere in the Bible that says ‘O taste and see that the Lord is good’, so let’s have a taste of our own to see if actually He is as powerful as our pastor says He is.

Don’t be scared, nothing would happen to you okay?” He said and gave a quick peck on her forehead. He made sure she remained in his arms till she fell asleep.


“Ray! Ray! Ray no, no!!!” Belinda shouted ans awoke from her sleep in fright, gasping heavily. By her side was her husband who was still sound asleep. She tapped him aggressively.

“Honey wake up. Wake up please3!” She said with so much fear in her voice.

“Belinda what is it again? It’s not time to get up and get dressed for work or is it?”

“I saw Ray.” She said, ignoring his question.

“In my dream.” She responded as her husband nodded with a sleepy eye.

“Okay then, go back to bed. It’s just a dream.”

“No it’s not. Of all dreams, this is the scariest because it has to do with my son.” Belinda said and that instant heard her husband snore.

“Honey are you listening to me at all?” Bleinda asked as she shook her husband with much vigor

“Yes yes I can hear you. You said you saw Ray in your dream.”


“Doing what? Winning an award?”

“No, involved in an accident.”

“Ohh…what? Accident?” He asked when thewords of his wife registered well in his head.

“Oh sleep has left your eye?” Belinda asked sarcastically.

“Babe talk please. What kind of accident are we talking about here?”

“It was a motor accident.”

“Any injuries?”

“Yes, that was why I shouted from my sleep. I was trying to call him in my dream to caustion him from running into an upcoming vehicle but it was too let. He was hit by the vehicle and seemed to be seriously injured in his knee.”

“His knee? Oh My God! Was it serious? Was he rushed to the hospital or something?” David asked as Belinda gave him a weord look. David read her body language.

“Listen when my mom was still alive, we don’t joke with these kinda dreams. If my mom then dreams of something bad happening, it surely would happen unless she prays against it.”

“God forbid! Accident isn’t my son’s portion in Jesus name.”

“Amen, but it doesn’t end there. We have to pray to prevent it from happening.”

“Okay.” Belinda said and eagerly had her eyes closed. Dave stared at her for a while.

“What are you doing?” He asked

“Waiting for you to pray to prevent the bad dream over our son from happening.” Belinda said with her eyes still closed. David was transfixed at the spot he was.

“I don’t know, she’s the one that does the prayer and fasts. We weren’t usually includedas kids then.” David said

“Haa….so there’s nothing we can do about the dream I just had to reverse it? What’s now the essence of hailing from a sound Christian home and having God-fearing parents yet have little knowledge of God and lack the capacity to fight life’s battles?” Belinda thought to herself

“Oh Lord protect our son wherever he is. May no evil befall him in Jesus’ name.” Belinda prayed aloud as she held her husband’s hands.

“Amen.” Dave said.


Mr. Dan got into his office with a tightened fist. She had gone to see his manager to ask for a raise in his salary but got denied.

“This is all David’s fault!” He reasoned within.

“He’s always the one having favor with the management of this company and I hate him for that! If not for the favoritism shown towards him,

I would’ve been in the current position he is occupying because I c=started working in this company before him and consequently I would’ve been comfortable with my pay.” He thought as he gnashed his teeth.

The mere thought of his co-worker Mr. David Daberechi made his blood boil seriously.
He really did hate his guts for reason which seemed justifiable to him.

“It’s high time I quit sitting around here doing nothing and being at the mercy of that minor. I’ve got to do something and do it fast before things get out of hand in this company.” He thought as he paced around the company thinking of what he could possibly do to pull his colleague down.</p>



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