October 18, 2024

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 57

“Then let’s make babies” he said and I choke on the water I was drinking
“Alex you want babies?”

“I want them badly, don’t you want them too?” He asked as he glance at me.
“I want them too but I will give it to you at the right time” I replied

“When is the right time?”
“Very soon” I said and face the window
What’s wrong with him

Why is he suddenly talking about babies
Is he okay?

“We’re here” he said and park the car very well.
I unbuckle the seat belt then get down from the car, Alex come over to my side and held my hand

“I want the baby to have my handsome face” he said and I just roll my eyeballs
“Who told you that you are handsome”

“I don’t need anyone to tell me that before I know” he replied
“You’re ugly”

“I want my baby to have my beautiful face” I said

“You’re ugly” he said bluntly and I glared at him
A nurse rush to Alex, she’s putting on a blue trouser and top, the surgery attire

“Sir we’re waiting for you” she said
“Who’s in charge of the surgery?” Alex asked
“Mason, I think he operate on her wrongly she’s bIeeding” she replied

“Okay let’s go” he said and she rush out
“Why will they allow him to operate” Alex said and slap his forehead

We went to his office, I watch as he change into the surgery attire, he’s not putting on a smile

“Alex are you okay?” I asked
“I’m not, how will fix his mess now” he replied.
I move closer to him and hug him “You’re a professional surgeon, so I trust you, you can handle this case” I said

I disengage from the hug and kss him deeply, he reciprocate as he held my cheek
“You need to go now” I said and hastily broke the kss

“We’re gonna finish this kss later” he said and I smiled
He rush to the surgery room while I went to show room to watch him, I felt all eyes on me as I enter the show room

The nurses and doctors won’t stop staring at him most especially male doctors they can’t help but stare at me like a food

Alex enter the room with his two hands stretch out, a nurse tied a clothe around his neck then give a glove to wear, he glance at me and I smiled at him

“I love you” I said slowly so he can read my lip
He read my lip then smiled at me
“Sir you are set” the nurse said

He move away from her then went stand beside other nurses and there’s a doctor there, I guess he should be Mason

“Which surgery are operating on her?” Alex asked and I heard it clearly
“Liver transplant” the nurse said

“You wanna do liver transplant and you ask Mason to do” Alex said

“Scalpel” Alex said and stretch his hands forth
I just watch as he operate carefully and this nurses here won’t stop drooling over him

👥 He’s handsome
👥I wanna have him on my bed tonight
👥 He’s so perfect
👥 My ideal guy
👥 Shhh his wife is here

I tilt my head and smiled at them “Just keep dreaming” I said and they hastily now their heads down

“Dream on how you will be successful and not how to have a married man on your bed………… tonight” I said stressing the last word
I face front and I could not see Alex in the surgery room, I tilt my head and I saw him standing at the door staring at me

“Awesome” I said and he smiled

“Stop staring at my lady as if she’s a candy, you can’t have her” Alex said as he point at the male doctors and I just chuckled

“Don’t feel uncomfortable just overlook what he said, he’s joking” I said and they smiled at me.
I held his arm and drag him out of the room “Alex are you okay??”

“I don’t like the way they were staring at you” he said
“Are you jealous?”

“No I’m not” he said bluntly

“Okay then I will go and meet them” I said and was about to make a U-turn when he held hand tightly

“Okay fine I’m jealous” he said and I smiled
“You don’t have to be jealous I’m yours forever” I said and he smiled

“That’s why I said we should make babies so I can use that to chase all the boys away”
“Alex you really want baby badly, it’s obvious” I said

“Yes I want it”
“Okay fine I will give it to you tonight” I said
“No let’s do it another day” he said

“What happened?” I asked
“Nothing let’s just fix it on another day” he replied

He wrap his hands around my waist holding it possessively “I want to see Rina”

We went to her ward, we entered the ward and we saw her playing with her doll.
Her face beam with happiness when she saw us “Aunt I miss you” she said

I watch as she get down from the bed and ran to me, she hug me really tight and I smiled
“How’s my baby fairing today?” I asked

“I’m good, I’m taking my drugs and I’m eating good food so I can be pretty like you” she said with her tiny voice and I smiled

“Lila you are here” I heard a familiar voice and tilt my head to see Mr Park, he’s holding a bottle water

“Dad is she not pretty” Rina said and the Mr Park smiled
“Mr Park can I ask you something” Alex said and I glance at him

“Sure let’s go” he said and they both stroll out smiling

I sat on the bed and she lay on the bed resting her head on my lap, she rest my hand on her hair

“I wanna sleep, sing for me” she muttered and I smiled
I can’t wait to read bedtime stories to my kids or sing for them

I stroke her hair gently as I sang in a melodious voice, my mind just suddenly went across her

Will Georgia accept her???

“It’s very obvious, Georgia does not want you in that house” my subconscious said and I chuckled
“Alex, do I worth him”

“Of course, he’s the perfect ideal guy that you want” my subconscious said, I slowly take my lip in

Lily please wake up

I miss you badly

The home is not lively like before

How will face Georgia when I get home

How will I face that wtch that claiming to be pregnant

I check her and she’s already fast asleep “You’re pretty” I said

I adjust her properly on the bed then tiptoe, I stop walking when I heard my name

I move closer to the door and I heard Mr park and Alex discussion, I don’t mean to eavesdrop but my name that I heard make me wanna eavesdrop

“The cancer is going deep, I don’t think that drug is working” Mr park said
“What are we gonna do now?” Alex asked

“Lily is in coma right and we need to operate on her as soon as possible” Mr Park replied
“But she’s not showing any sign that she’s gonna wake up” Alex said

“She have to wake up within three days or she’s gonna die” Mr park said

The word “she’s gonna die” start ringing in Lila’s head, is she gonna lose her sister
She mistakenly open the door and they saw her, she stood motionless without saying anything instead tears keep rolling her cheek
“You heard everything”

“My sister won’t die, I believe in her, she’s a strong she can’t leave me alone” she said amidst the tears

“Lila she’s gonna wake up before that three days” Alex said and she just nod her head

His words are not affecting her, her eyes start spinning before anyone could blink their eyes she’s on the floor with her eyes closed, she black out

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Click 18 below to continue reading

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