October 18, 2024



Princess Stories

Episode 4

As rightly predicted, Belinda got her job back after investigations were made and they found no tangible reasons as to why she was dismissed from office. She was compensated for this with an increment of her monthly salary by an agreed percentage.

As soon as Belinda got her job back, she kept to her pledge she had made to God and started being serious about church services and vigils. She’d go from work straight to church to be early for the evening service slated for that day.

However, her husband David was beginning to grow uncomfortable with this new attitude of hers.

“You’re neglecting your family Belinda. You’re neglecting your home.” He complained to her one day.

“But you know that’s not true, I’m not neglecting anything. I’m only paying more attention to God in order to fulfill the pledge I made when I was seeking for the recovery of my lost job.”

“By neglecting me and the kids?” He asked with a scoff.

“Neglecting you and the kids how?”

“Are you seriously asking me that question? Babe look around you….don’t you see some things have changed in this home?”

“For the better, yes.” Belinda replied. David tried to explain that her presence was missing and she was needed in her home, but she kept stressing she was only doing what she was doing in respect to the pledge she had made to God to be more serious and have a working relationship with him.

“You know what? This conversation is heading nowhere.” David said frustratingly and walked out of the room, leaving Belinda confused.

“What’s the fuss all about? Is it a crime to fulfill a vow made to the Lord?”


Rachel came home extremely tired that she let herself crash on the sofa immediately she walked into her house.

“You’re back? Welcome.” Her mom said to her as she came out of the kitchen when she heard the parlour door open.

“Thank you Ma, I’m so tired.”

“You will be, it’s your day 1 and the first time you’re doing this kind of job.” Her mom said as Rachel turned to look at her with her tired eyes.

“Teaching was never what I wanted to do mom.” She said and exhaled tiredly.

“In all the places I put out my application letter, this was the only job I could get. And to think of it, the pay is extremely small. I wonder what came over me that made me accept the job offer.” Rachel said as her mom smiled and came to sit beside her.

“My dear, everything is working out for your good. Take it as God working out something that in the future you’d be given a larger responsibility to handle, but He wants to see if you can be faithful in the little He has given you first. He wants to see if you can handle the little money you’re going to be given monthly well first, before allowing a job with a huge pay come your way.” Rachel’s mom said

“How sure are you of this, or are you just motivating me to cheer me up?”

“I’m 100% sure of what I’m saying, and no it’s not a motivational speech at all.” Rachel’s mom said, beaming with smiles. She had secretly sought the Lord over the issue of her daughter’s job and that was the response she got- that she’s be given a lucrative job with a huge pay only after she has been deemed faithful in handling a job with a lesser pay.

“I don’t know mom. I look at some of my mates doing well and I tend to feel sorry for myself. Even the ones I was better than back then in school tend to be doing better than me and living well. Omo, this life no balance o, e no balance at all.” She said as her mother chuckled, finding her daughter funny.

“You know sometimes you behave like you’re the captain of your own life dear, whereas you’re not. Jesus is. So stop acting like you rule your own life and enquire from the Lord about the details of your destined path. Comparing yourself to your mates would do no good at all, unless you’re comfortable wallowing in self-pity.” Her mom said as Rachel exhaled deeply.

<p>“It’s easier said than done mom. Praying and following God’s agenda is really easier said than done.”


David was trying so hard to take a short nap but it felt like sleep had deserted him for the meantime. This frustrated him so much that he hissed occasionally.

“Yes, who’s there?” He asked, responding to the knock on his door.

“It’s Gift.” A little voice responded

“Baby what are you doing here? You should be in your room.” David said to his dear daughter when he opened the door.

“I’m looking for mummy. Has she come back home yet?” Gift asked. David exhaled heavily.

“No, she’s not yet back but she’d soon be.” He said and saw a disappointed look on her face.

“Hey don’t give Daddy that look. Mummy would be home soon, okay? If something is bothering you, you can tell me.” David urged but the girl shook her head.

“It’s mummy I want to talk to.” She replied with a pout.

“Hmmm….okay, if you say so. She’d be home soon. You go to bed now okay? It’s your bedtime already.” David said and Gift stared blankly at him, not moving an inch. Daddy asked what the problem was.

“Mummy used to sing sweet melody for me to sleep. It’s the only way I sleep.” Gift said

“Ohh….Ohhh I see. Okay let’s go to your room then, Daddy will sing for you.” Dave said and with that they left for her room. Gift found it difficult to fall asleep as she wasn’t familiar with the voice and tone with which her dad was using to sing lullaby for her.

“Oh thank God.” David said with relief as soon as he noticed Gift had fallen asleep.
On his way to the master’s bedroom, he heard a knock on the parlor door.

“Babe I’m sorry.” Belinda said and she rushed to catch up with her husband who was angrily walking away from her.

“Belinda where are you coming from?” He asked with hands akimbo as soon as they got to the Master’s bedroom.

“From church. I…we dismissed later than expected and there was hold-up so I couldn’t make it earlier than this.”

“Belinda! You’re pushing me real hard. You’re pushing me to stop you from going to this church of yours and I won’t hesitate to do so if you don’t stop this act of yours.”

“But babe I made a vow to….”

“Oh please don’t tell me that cock and bull story. This is becoming so unnecessary and abnormal for goodness’ sake.

Belinda it’s been 3months, three solid months since you began this attitude of yours and since then things have changed for the worse. You’ve neglect your family to the core and the kid too are being affected.

During weekends you don’t stay home and be the wife and mother I’ve always known you to be. It’s always church, church, church, church. Either church this or church that.

When last did we connect emotionally as a couple? Do you even know the current stress I’m passing through at my place of work? No! And why? Because I don’t matter to you anymore. Obviously I don’t.” David said and paced round the room to calm his nerve down a little.

“Now listen to me, this new woman you’re becoming or are trying to become cannot leave under my roof for too long. It’s either you change back into being the woman I’ve always know you to be, or you prepare for the worst.” He said and stormed out of the room in anger.</p>



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