October 18, 2024



Princess stories

Episode 8

Anita was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for her family, when she heard God speak to her.

“When was the last time you prayed for your children?” The voice, which she knew was that of the Holy Ghost, asked.

“My children? Last night of course.”

“For how many minutes?”

“I don’t know, I think a few minutes or so; it was quite short.”


“What? Is something wrong?”

“Anita, why is it difficult for you to just obey me? Is it really that hard?”

“I don’t understand.”

“For the past few days now, I’ve been whispering to you to pray for your kids for at least 15mins.”

“But I don’t know what to pray over. Presently, everything is going on fine with them so……”

“I know you don’t know what to pray for them, that’z why I specifically asked you to let me pray for them through you.”

“You mean praying in tongues?’

“You know that’s what I mean.”

“Hmm…Okay but that would be in the night.”

“In the night? Why not now.”

“I’m busy na.”

“But what if it’s urgent?” That was the last thing she heard from within her before her second daughter ran into the kitchen to meet her.

“Mummy, is the food not ready yet? I’m hungry already.” Hadassah said with a pout as her mother smiled at her.

“It’s ready dear. Here, take this with you. I’m coming you hear?”


Momoh sat in his shrine, patiently waiting for the midnight hour. He kept staring at the clock in his shrine to know when it was time.

At exactly 12am, a strange sound was made.

“It is time.” His magic mirror informed him. Immediately he got up and without any incantations made, a portal opened right in front of Him. As soon as he walked in, he found himself in a company of other men like him.

“My cartels.” He said proudly with smile.

“We’ve been waiting for your arrival. Welcome.” Detar their gang leader spoke

“I have a request to ,make.” Momoh said, after he had made a bow before the crew


“I have an adversary. One I wouldn’t dare to fight alone by the virtue of how powerful she has grown in the Spirit.”


“I have no business with this fellow, only that she is protecting my target and has been standing in the way of me getting her. It’s frustrating because my target is slipping off my hands because of this fellow, and time is not on my side at all.”

“This fellow. Who is she? Can you give us a profile?” Detar asked. Momoh held his hand up before everyone and they could see an image form almost immediately.

“From the little information I was able to gather, she’s the sister of my target, and has been interceding for her every blessed day. To worsen the whole thing, she keeps guiding my target on how to wage war against me and nullify my weapons against her, rendering my attacks harmless.”

“Hmmm…so what would you want done against her?”

“Against her? We can’t fight against her, she’s too powerful and we might lose something of value. I came here for help on the best way to distract her.” Momoh replied

“Which is?” One of the least member of the council asked. Momoh shot a deadly glare at her, causing her to bow in apology and remain silent afterwards.

“If we can’t fight her, we can distract her.” Detar said to divert Momoh’s attention back to himself.

“Yes exactly.”

“Pkay, by distracting her you mean waging war against something that makes her secure.”

“Yes, like her husband.” Momoh suggested.

“Her husband? Is that a suggestion? You can’t possibly fight her head if you can’t fight her. Obviously her husband would be stronger than herself.”

“Hmmm….that is true. Okay how about we go for her children then? They’re quite young, and not too involved in spiritual warfare.”

“Of course we will go for them, but first let’s attempt to weaken her.”

“How? By sending a deep sleep to wait for her just at the time she’s meant to be developing her muscles.”

“Would that solve any problem?” Momoh asked and Detar laughed

“Of course it will…more than 70% of it. A prayerful soldier is a powerful soldier, don’t you know?”

“Oh…so a prayerless soldier is a powerless soldier! That’s it! Why didn’t I ever think of it? Sending a deep sleep to her is something I can handle on my own. Momoh said.

“True, but it’s best we join forces if we want result. We’re up against a very powerful giant you know.”



“Hey, wake up.” Anita heard faintly from her sleep. When the tapping became consistent, she lazily open her eyes to see her husband seated beside her.

“What is it?” She asked with a yawn

“What is it? Babe look at the time. It’s past your prayer time and you haven’t prayed yet.” Her husband responded. Anita tilted her heard towards the wall clock.

“O God, I slept off again.” She said with a sigh when the clock read 12:45am

“It’s not too late. You can start praying now.” She heard her husband say.
In no time, she got out of bed and sat on the bare floor.
She sang songs of worship and after a while of praise, she proceeded to speaking in tongues.
It wasn’t up to five minutes she had prayed before she slept off again. Her husband got up from bed to check on her when he couldn’t hear her voice again.

“What is wrong with this woman? Must she always sleep off in the hour of prayer?”


Anita woke up the next morning feeling really light.

“Jesus! 6am already?” She whispered to herself as she sprang up on her feet when she checked the time.

“God. I couldn’t pray agisnt today. What in the world is wrong with me?”

“Nothing in the world is wrong with you, but something in the sprit is.” An inner voice replied her.

“Your spiritual antenna is losing connection, can’t you sense it?” The voice spoke further as she left the bed to brush her teeth in the bathroom.

“Anita please, listen to me. You’re losing it, and very soon it’d tell on you.” The voice persuaded

“Yes I know I don’t have my spiritual life together, but I’m sure nothing will happen sine my husband is praying for me. And very soon, I’d bounce back.” She told herself as she waved the thoughts aside.

You know sometimes I feel this is how we think when it comes to prayer and all….we ten d to relax and see no danger in being prayerless because we believe someone’s prayers gat you.

The prayers never finishing ‘gatting’ the owners sef, not to talk of you. Lol
And again, if battle is being charged at you, it’s your spiritual strength that’d determine if it’d succeed or not, not anothers. Okay?

And agins, let’s all be sensitive to the Holy Spirit within us and listen to Him more carefully. You never know what might be coming your way, and what He has seen in the spirit that he’s urging you to pray particular prayers…..




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21 thoughts on “MY COMFORT ZONE SEASON 2 : EPISODES 1 – 10

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