January 22, 2025



Princess Stories

Episode 7

Belinda got up from her sleep and headed to the restroom to ease herself. She was about to go back to sleep when her phone rang the second time.

“Hello?” She said

“Hello dear, good evening.” Anita responded.

“Good evening sis, how are you today?”

“I’m fine o. How’s the journey going na?” Anita asked, Belinda gave a brief hiss.

“We thank God jare. The Word of God is really powerful; that is what has been keeping the baby in my womb for 7months now, despite all attacks by the enemy. Speaking of the attacks of the enemy, I just had a dream sef.”

“Oh okay. What was it about?”

“I don’t know, it was a strange dream. Sis to be honest ehn, I’m just tired of these attacks seriously.”

“Would you prefer to surrender in this battle then?”

“No, I didn’t say that.”

“Then you can’t be tired. In case you didn’t know, this is a battle against one of the promises of God that says you shall be fruitful and multiply; and for this promise to be fulfilled in your life, you have to fight.”

“I know babe, and I’ve been fighting for the past 7months now. But the truth is, when I remember that other women don’t have to worry or pray too much when they’re pregnant ehn, I wonder hwy my case has to be different.”

“Hmmm…I understand you, but you know you shouldn’t be comparing yourself with others, right? Besides, the women you’re talking about may be over-praying in an aspect of life where you don’t have to offer a lot of it. Take for example, your husband is prospering in his career, isn’t he?” Anita asked. Belinda smiled at her question.

“Yes. He has become an important personality in the company he works sef.”

‘You see? And you think there aren’t some women praying night and day, fasting and asking God to prosper their husbands?”


“Your destinies and different dear, and so are your battles. So be thankful to God for the blessings you received on a platter of God, while you fight for the ones the enemy is contending with. Okay?”

“Hmm…okay, thanks.”

“Yeah. So you haven’t told me the dream you said you had.” Anita said. Belinda took some time to yawn before responding.

“I saw myself being rushed to the hospital when my water broke. In the next scene I was in the labour and the doctor in charge was asking me to push. I tried so hard but nothing was happening and I was getting tired. Just then, when I looked in front of me, I saw someone…like a native doctor laughing at my attempt to give birth to my child. When I observed closely, I saw he was sitting on a mortar and immediately, immediately sis I just knew that mortar he was sitting on had something to do with the problem I was facing as at that time. Like something in me just knew he was behind my not being about to deliver my baby.
I had wanted to open my mouth to shout and call the attention of the nurses around me but I couldn’t speak. It felt like he went step ahead of me and made me dumb. I was still struggling till I woke up and saw your call.”


“Babe, I’m scared.”

“No, you shouldn’t be. God in His infinite mercies gave you that revelation so you’d be able to pray correctly. The dream simply means there’s a personality that’s hell-bent on seeing that your child doesn’t make it out of the labour room alive.”

“Haaa…..this is wickedness o! But why na?!”

“Which one is but why na?”

“I didn’t offend anyone, so why would someone somewhere be wishing me death?” Belinda asked. Anita took some time to laugh at her question

“Haven’t you read your Bible? Don’t you know that the whole world lies in wickedness? Besides, you don’t really need to offend anyone to be attacked.
But ehn, a part of me is wondering why you couldn’t take when you opened your mouth to rebuke the personality. It typically shows you’re no match to him, and you’re not fully equipped for the battle ahead of you.”

“Come again please, I didn’t get that.”

“Sis listen, your dream life is like your spiritual mirror- it reveals the state of your spirit man. It helps you know whether you’re a spiritual giant or weakling. When you lose things, or lose battles in your dream, it’s practically a call to step up on your game and build the capacity you need to fight and conquer the battles charging at your destiny.

In the same vein, experiencing victory in your dream is a sign that you’re spiritually sound, and strong enough to face the battles you have to fight in order to fulfill your destiny.”

“Hmmmm…..so this dream now wasn’t to scare me; rather, it’s like a wake-up call to pray harder and build more capacity for the battle ahead of me…”

“Exactly. It’s a call to be build your spiritual muscles so you can be strong enough to face the battles you have to fight before you can experience your breakthroughs.”

“Hmmm…but do I still have to fight. God gave me His word not too long ago that though they’d against me, they will not prevail against me. Am I not meant to relax about everything then?” Belinda asked and Anita chuckled abit.

“No, that’s like a word of assurance that you must be confessing till it becomes your reality. The word of God is the sword of the Sprit. When He specifically reveals His Word to you, or gives you an assurance through His word, What He is doing is giving you the sword- the right sword- to fight with.
It is now up to you to play your part and fight the enemy with the Word of God by confessing, decreeing and declaring it till all situations and circumstances around you come in alignment with the promise and assurance God has given to your through His word.”


“Yeah, so the Word He gives you is a weapon; He expects you to fight with it.”

“Hmmm…..so I should start declaring and confessing Jer. 15:20-21 until the battle is won/”


“Oh okay…I didn’t know that o. Ever since He gave me that word in my dream, I didn’t really do anything about it. I only thanked God for His promise and that was all.”

“Well, now you know better. Begin confessing the word He has given you as frequently as He’d lay it in your heart to, until the battle is won and you have your babies in your hands.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you so much sis for this enlightenment…..

I don’t know if I ended this episode smartly but….

One thing I want y’all(pregnant or not) to understand or realize is that, when God gives you a word (either through dreams or during your quiet time or when you’re reading your Bible), it is just like Him giving you a sword to fight your present battles or the ones He as the all-knowing God is foreseeing.

So please don’t just write it down and dump it somewhere. Confess it. Declare it. Decree it. As time goes on, your faith would be built by what you’re saying and because you’re using His word as a weapon just as He wants you to, He’d reveal more (of His word) to you.

Do we understand



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22 thoughts on “MY COMFORT ZONE SEASON 2 : EPISODES 1 – 10

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