By Authoress Rhema

Few hours later**

Zhou Xiuying raised her head up when the police officer came to open the cell for her

“Get up robot, you’re good to go” the officer said

“What’s new?, Everyone outside knows her as a robot now” she rolled her eyes and stood up

The officer led the way, the walked up to where the Zack team where waiting for her

“Oh m gee, I knew it!!, I was just so dumb she was the robot I bumped into the other day” Luo Fen said

“You actually saw her?” Lu Chen asked

“Yes but a girl was with her and they girl lied that she was her cousin” Luo Fen added

“I’ve told you countless of times that you should stop being gullible” Lu Chen hit her head and she pouted

Lu Chen then turned to face Zhou Xiuying with a smile

“I’m happy we found you CK6605B3” he smiled

“I’m sorry what?” Zhou Xiuying asked

“That’s your name, your robotic programmed name” Lu Chen replied

Zhou Xiuying sighed

“You’ve become so well, I’m sure you enjoy leaving with the humans, come it’s time to go back” he said

“I know, but I need to tell you something first” Zhou Xiuying replied

“Sure I’m listening” Lu Chen replied

“Xiuying!! Wait up”

Both Zhou Xiuying and the lab team turned to see Li Chun running up to them

“Zhou Xiuying” Li Chun paused and began painting

“This was the girl that tricked me” Luo Fen pointed at Li Chun who just ignored

Li Chun immediately hugged Zhou Xiuying tight, really tight

“You’re finally leaving, I can’t stop you but I wanna say a proper goodbye” she said

Zhou Xiuying nodded and hugged her tighter too

“Me too, I love you Chun, please take care of yourself, read your books, don’t allow yourself to get bullied okay??” Zhou Xiuying smiled

Li Chun smiled and nodded

“I love you” Li Chun said

“Me too” Zhou Xiuying smiled

“And Xu Feng, how’s he now?” Zhou Xiuying asked

“He’s fine but he needs to wake up a bit, he passed out due to shock… You told him about you right?” Li Chun asked

“Hmm, I really want to see him first” Zhou Xiuying muttered

Lu Chen sighed from where he’s listening and moved to them

“You know very well that it was impossible for a robot to date a human, what if you both want to get intimate or marry or have children or what if something happens to you?” Lu Chen asked

Zhou Xiuying bit her lips hard

“I should have avoided him” she muttered

“Yeah, but we didn’t programmed you with emotions how come you…” Lu Chen reasoned

Zhou Xiuying smiled and began telling him everything about how she took Zhou Xiuying’s emotions by accidentally

“So that’s the emotion I’m using, I’m guessing it’s time to return it back” she sighed

“Can I get a paper please, I need to send a message to Xu Feng before I finally go” Zhou Xiuying said

Lu Chen nodded and ordered one of the team to get a paper, they got it and gave to Zhou Xiuying

Zhou Xiuying took a pen and began writing, she folded it and gave it to Li Chun

“Please help me give this to him, tell him that I love him” she said

Li Chun nodded, she hugged Zhou Xiuying one more time before watching Zhou Xiuying entered the truck with the scientists

She waved again and cleaned her tears before stopping a cab and going to the hospital which Xu Feng was taken too.


Su Zheng Place**

Rong Yi and Chu Maha angrily got to Su Zheng house and knocked angrily

The door opened revealing Su Zheng surprised face

“Rong Yi, Maha, the two of you what…

Rong Yi hands flew to Su Zheng’s cheeks before Su Zheng could finish, Su Zheng touched her cheeks and looked at them confusedly

“You’re a snitch, a betrayal!!, You’re the one who called the team now where is the money?!!” Rong Yi shouted

“What?” Su Zheng asked

“We know you called the Zack team and informed them about Zhou Xiuying that’s why you didn’t show up at the party, where is the money!!” Chu Maha demanded

“I didn’t call anyone, I wanted to rat you both out to Zhou Xiuying but I couldn’t because my mother suddenly passed out and I couldn’t even come to the party, the only betrayal here is the both of you to, you two planned to share the money without me, I’m ashamed of the both of you, I don’t even wanna be your friends anymore!!!” Su Zheng yelled and slammed the door right on their face

Rong Yi and Chu Maha looked at themselves confusedly

“If she isn’t the one then who called them?” Chu Maha asked no one in particular.



“Xu Feng, Zhou Xiuying…” Li Chun paused when she saw Dylan sitting on his wheelchair inside Xu Feng ward

She cleared her throat and walked in slowly

“He’s not awake yet?” She asked and Dylan shook his head

“Oh” she muttered

Then there was silence, no one was talking expect from the monitor sound beeping

Dylan decided to break the silence first, he turned to look at Li Chun who’s just standing and rubbing her forearm

“Hey” he smiled a little

She looked at him and forced a smile

“Are you mad at me?” he asked

“Why?” She asked

“Because of what I did to you, how I turned you down and took your feelings for granted?” He asked

Li Chun looked at him and just smile

“I’m not angry or sad anymore, it’s all in the past” she said

“So you’ve forgiven both me and my jerkish behavior?” He asked

“It’s not your fault, it’s a matter of the heart, you don’t have to worry I’ve accepted fate, forgiven and forgotten” she replied

“Thank you” he smiled

“Hmm, so how’s your legs?” She asked

“Bad but fine, I should be fine in just three months time” he replied

“So sorry about that, speed recovery” she said and rubbed his shoulders a little

“Thank you, a hug…. Friendly hug?” He asked

Li Chun shurgged and bent to him a little

“You owe me a real one by the time you get back on your feet and by the way why are you here, I thought you hated Xu Feng?” Li Chun asked

“We are friends now” he replied with a chuckle


“Yeah, how do you feel about your friend being a robot?” Dylan asked

“And how to you feel about your first love being a robot?” Li Chun asked back and they both laughed

Then monitor beeped changed and they both turned to see Xu Feng awake already

“Hey bro, welcome back” Dylan smiled

“Where’s Zhou Xiuying?” Xu Feng asked

Li Chun smiled and moved closer

“She said that I should tell you that she loves you and she said that I should give you this” Li Chun gave Xu Feng a letter

Xu Feng collected it with shaky hands and slowly opened it, tears began falling from his eyes as he read it

💌Xu Feng, it’s me Zhou Xiuying, if you’re seeing this letter now then I’m at Pei Han’s Care hospital returning the real Zhou Xiuying emotions back. I just want to use this last moment of my time to tell you that I really love you, no matter what, even if I go back into being an emotionless robot, you still own a special place in my heart, you made me feel so happy, getting to be your girlfriend at a short period of time makes me feel so happy and overwhelmed, Xu Feng you’re gifted, any girl will be lucky to have you any girl will be very lucky but that girl isn’t me, I should have prevented all this from happening but I couldn’t help it and now you’re going to get so heartbroken… Well this is a farewell letter, Good-bye forever Xu Feng, I love you a lot and I would love to see you happy when I’m gone 💌 Zhou Xiuying

“No” Xu Feng threw the letter and began removing the wires on his body

“Xu Feng what are you doing” Dylan tried stopping him but he pushed Dylan off and rushed out


Li Chun wanted to run after him but she still has to help Dylan up, after helping Dylan up she began pushing him out of his wards

“Your car is still outside right?” She asked, pushing him fast and he nodded


The hospital isn’t that far from the station, Xu Feng went to his station to grab his speed bike, he hoped on it and began riding as fast as he can

“My love, my Ying Er please wait for me,I’m coming baby please wait!!” He continued repeating the same thing as he rode to Pei Han’s Care Hospital as fast as he can.


Pei Han’s Care Hospital**

After explaining to the doctor, Zhou Xiuying was allowed to go in with Lu Chen

She looked at the real Zhou Xiuying body lying on the bed and sighed

“Do it, I’m prepared to come back” Sun said

Zhou Xiuying nodded and wiped her tears, she turned back to check if she can see a sign of Xu Feng, maybe she can just hug and kiss him just one last time but he doesn’t seem to be coming

She closed her eyes tight, it’s better if he doesn’t come, so he won’t feel to sad, getting to see her leave, she brought her hands up and opened her eyes back, they changed colours, her eyes began sparking electricity and the memory of the night when she jambed the real Zhou Xiuying came back into her mind

Her hands began sparking electricity also then she placed it on Zhou Xiuying’s chest and shut her eyes tight, feeling the whole emotions leaving her

Everything began coming backwards, starting from when Li Chun found her, then when she chased Xu Feng and threw him out of his speed bike, then beating Dylan up for no reason and everything, her love story with Xu Feng, her friendship with Li Chun, the sport competition the party everything began going backwards to her

She missed them all, all of them

“Zhou Xiuying!!” That was Xu Feng who just got there, he tried entering but the doctors stopped him from entering

“Zhou Xiuying!!” He yelled again in tears

Zhou Xiuying is starting to feel light, really light, she managed to turn her head to Xu Feng and smiled a little at him then closed her eyes falling

“Ying Er!!” He pushed the doctors away from him and ran to catch her before her body could touch the floor

“Ying Er” he muttered and a tear drop fell from his eyes, then he looked up in tears…

“Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed his lungs out

Li Chun and Dylan just arrived, Li Chun burst out in tears and covered her mouth so she won’t cry out loud

Dylan also cleaned the tears falling from his eyes as he watched Xu Feng hugging Zhou Xiuying emotionless robotic body tightly and crying

The real Zhou Xiuying who’s lying in the bed, her fingers moved a little, then a tear drop rolled down the corner of her eyes

Next thing her monitor began beeping really fast and all the doctors rushed to her immediately.


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