By Authoress Rhema

Lan Singtan kept looking at Li Chun who’s just drinking like her life is over

“Did you call me here so I can just watch you drink?” He finally got fed up and asked

“Don’t worry, I have low tolerance to alcohol, I don’t get drunk easily” she replied and hiccupped slightly

She poured another drink in her glass and pushed it to him

“Instead of just sitting and staring at me, why not drink too?” She asked

“Li Chun…. Why are you doing this to yourself?” He drawled

Li Chun just chuckled and drank again before facing him,her eyes were slightly swollen

“I told Dylan how I feel about him and guess what?” She said with a smile

“What?” He asked

“He said he doesn’t love me” she laughed and poured another drink in her cup

Lan Singtan immediately collected it from her and drank it up

“That’s enough drink for today” he said and she chuckled

“I’m just drinking cause after today I’m going to give up on him for good, so I want to use today to celebrate the last three years of thinking of him, that’s why I called you, Xiuying is with Xu Feng, I don’t wanna disturb her” Li Chun smiled and took another bottle, opened it and began drinking it whole

“Hey, stop that” Lan Singtan stood up and collected it from her with force

Li Chun glared at him and wiped her mouth

“Shouldn’t you be happy?, Shouldn’t you be happy that I’m finally getting over Dylan, shouldn’t you be happy huh!!” She yelled at him and wiped the tears falling from her eyes

“For three good years I’ve always loved him, just watching him do things from afar was enough to make me smile,just watching him smile was enough to make me smile, no day, no day I’ll sleep without thinking of him, no day I’ll sleep without dreaming of him, finally telling me that he loves me too but fairytales aren’t real, I always thought it’ll be like the novels I’ve read, when a gentle and scared girl falls for an arrogant guy and he ends up liking her too but no.. Instead he ended up liking my best friend, shouldn’t you be happy that I’m finally letting him go… You’ve always loved me right??” She cried out, letting everything all out

Lan Singtan simply stood up from his sit and hugged her tightly, patting her back and stroking her hair as she cried her pains out

“Sometimes it’s good to just let it all out” he muttered

After a while Li Chun stopped crying, she pulled away from him and wiped her eyes

“I’m sorry” she muttered

“It’s okay” he replied lowly

Then there was silence, the only sounds that was heard was the one from a girl singing

“Wanna sing?” Lan Singtan looked at Li Chun and she nodded lowly

“Xiuying told me it’ll make me feel better” she replied and stood up

“Let’s sing together then” he stood up too and took her hands, they both walked up to the stage together

The MC gave the both of them microphones,he asked them for their song and Li Chun picked, let somebody go by Selena Gomez and Coldplay


Few seconds later the beat started slowly and smoothly, Lan Singtan started the first verse

🎼We had that kind of love
🎼I thought that it would never end
🎼Oh, my lover, oh, my other, oh, my friend
🎼We talked around in circles and
🎼We talked around and then
🎼I loved you to the moon and back again
🎼You gave everything this golden glow
🎼Now turn off all the stars ’cause this I know…

He sang with his eyes closed, his voice sounded perfect, that everywhere were just silent as the people were watching them

He paused for Li Chun to continue the next verse and surprisingly her voice was really good

🎼All the storms we weathered
🎼Everything that we went through
🎼Now, without you, what on earth am I to do?
🎼When I called the mathematicians and I ask them to explain
🎼They said love is only equal to the pain

Then the two of them began singing the verses together

🎼And when everything was going wrong
🎼You could turn my sorrow into song
🎼Oh, it hurts like so
🎼To let somebody go
🎼To let somebody go
🎼Oh-oh (oh-oh)….

Then the two of them began in higher voice, adding all their emotions on the next verse

🎼Oh, oh-oh (oh), when you love somebody
🎼When you love somebody
🎼Got to let somebody know
🎼Oh, oh-oh (oh), when you love somebody
🎼When you love somebody
🎼Got to let somebody know
🎼So, when you love somebody
🎼When you love somebody
🎼Then it hurts like so….
🎼To let somebody go
🎼It hurts like so
🎼To let somebody go….
🎼But you’re still with me, now I know…..

Lan Singtan slowly opened his eyes and so as Li Chun, the audience began clapping for them, that was such an excellent performance, Lan Singtan smiled and looked at Li Chun, his smile turned to a friend when he noticed her dozing

“Li Chun” he moved to her and immediately cought her before she could fall

He sighed, he knew it’s the alcohol, she was wasted but calm, he slowly carried her on his back, giving her a piggy back then left the bar booth.


Xu Feng and Zhou Xiuying could be seen walking outside the breezy road together, holding hands and smiling

“Thanks for coming to pick me up Feng-ge, I had alot of fun with you today” Zhou Xiuying smiled

“It’s nothing, I’m glad, I picked you up, I also had fun with you” Xu Feng smiled and squeezed her arms in his a little tighter

“So, have you thought about what I said, Every Saturday we’ll meet up at the park and I’ll give up some therapy about your disease?” Zhou Xiuying asked after a short while of comfortable silence

Xu Feng just sighed and bit his lips slightly, then looked down

“Come on Feng-ge, don’t get shy around me, you know I love you just the way you are?” Zhou Xiuying pouted

“You love me despite my condition?” He asked and Zhou Xiuying nodded

“I love you too” he smiled

They both reached Zhou Xiuying’s house

“Goodnight” Xu Feng smiled

“Good night too” Zhou Xiuying smiled and pecked his lips shyly

“Not enough” he said, before she knows it he pulled her closer and slammed his lips against hers

“I love your lips taste, it’s unique” he smiled in the kss

Zhou Xiuying chuckled and pushed him back slightly

“Good night” she smiled, he waved and she went in

After making sure she’s in safely, he dipped his hands in his pocket and left too. Zhou Xiuying sighed and sat down on the couch

“Where did Li Chun go?” She asked herself

Yue came to join on her

“Yue?” She called


“Where did Li Chun go?” She asked,


“Activate cat translator” she muttered and looked at Yue again

“Where did Li Chun go?”

“She went out”

“What I’m I doing, this cat knows nothing” Zhou Xiuying sighed

“I’m hungry”

Zhou Xiuying looked at Yue

“Okay this is weird, deactivate cat translator” she muttered


“That’s better” Zhou Xiuying smiled and went to the kitchen


Some minutes later**

A knock sounded at the door, Zhou Xiuying creased her brows

“That’s Lan Singtan, what’s he doing here?” She thought and walked to get it

“Hey” Lan Singtan smiled, Li Chun was at his back, it looks like she has passed out already

“She got wasted but I brought her back” he smiled

“Thank you” Zhou Xiuying collected her and carried her effortlessly while Lan Singtan creased his brows, wondering how she did that

“Please make sure you give her some hangover soup, so she won’t get great headache once she wakes up” he added

“I will” Zhou Xiuying replied

“Okay, I’ll get going now” Lan Singtan smiled and left

Zhou Xiuying sighed and shot the door, she looked at sleeping Li Chun and sighed again, she then took her to the room.


Next Morning**

Li Chun groaned when she opened her eyes, her head was spinning, she was starting to see double

“Dmn my head!!, Maybe I shouldn’t have drink to much last night” she muttered and manged to stand up, then went to the bathroom

After easing herself she watched her hands and stood at the front of the mirror, what happened yesterday came back to her and her eyes went all teary again

“I think I’m ready, I’m really ready to let him go after three good years, yes” she said to herself and nodded then turned around to back the mirror

“But it hurt like so, to let somebody go” she muttered and sighed again

Zhou Xiuying just entered the room and creased her brows

“Chun?” She called out

“Xiuying?” Li Chun replied from the bathroom and slowly opened the door

“Thank goodness you’re awake I was about to wake up by electrocuting you, come to the living room your hang over soup is ready” Zhou Xiuying smiled and walked back to the living room

Li Chun sighed and followed behind

“So how did it go?” Zhou Xiuying asked, sitting down and dishing the soup

“As expected, he turned me down” Li Chun shurgged

“Don’t worry, he’ll face his own too” Zhou Xiuying smiled

Li Chun turned her soup and looked up at Zhou Xiuying

“He’s already facing it, he likes you” she muttered

“Like I care” Zhou Xiuying rolled her eyes and Li Chun chuckled

“So viscous” she laughed and shook her head.


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