October 18, 2024



Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 63

Eliana pov
I sat on the bed staring at the duvet, lost in thought not knowing when Ryan came in
“What are you thinking about” he said jolting me out of my thought

“Nothing important”

“Are you okay?” Ryan asked as he join me on the bed
“I’m okay” I smiled at him

“Is everything going smoothly between you and Lila?” He asked and I nod my head
“All thanks to you” I replied and he smiled

He held my hand and squeeze it lightly
“You’re not going anywhere, you’re with me forever” he said and I chuckled

“You’re joking right” I said and he nod his head negatively

“I’m serious” he said and kssed my lip suddenly
He smiled at me and I stare at him looking dumbfounded
“Are you surprised”
“Yes kinda” I replied

He kssed my lip again

This is gonna be a long night, wink


Alex pov
“Geezzz that hurt” I muttered

I lift my head and glance around, my hair is tattered

I scratch my hair as I try to remember what happened last night but nothing is coming forth

“I hate alcohol” I muttered
I heard a soft knock on the door and I divert my eyes to the door

“The door is not locked” I said and the door open

The door and I saw Rachael standing at the entrance, she’s putting on a black sxy lingerie
“Alex good morning” she said and I just ignored her

I continue cracking my brain trying to remember what happened last night
“Alex I’m talking to you” she said

“I’m not deaf” I replied
“Alex why are you treating me in distain, is it a crime to love, this is the time we need your attention”

“Which foolish attention, who’s the we”

“Your baby, Alex you need to top it” she said
“So that’s why you are here wearing that rag you call lingerie, Rachael you are not appealing to me infact you are irritating”

“Alex stop it”

“Do you wanna hear the truth, you stink a lot infact you are ugly so please use the door” I said

“I’m not leaving here today” she said and roll her eyeballs
“I need to report you to my mom”

“I’m your mom’s favorite so I’m going nowhere” she replied and I scoff

“Rachael what do you want, is it money or fame which one tell me and I will give it to you if that’s gonna make you leave” I said

“I want your love, I want my Alex Rodriguez back, I don’t know what that witch did to you”
“Hey don’t you ever call Lila a witch” I said and she roll her eyeballs

“Alex stop acting stubborn I know you want me, I know that witch is starving you” Rachael said as she take a step


“Alex I know you love s€x and you can do it anywhere but since I got into this house I have never heard a single moan coming out from this room” she said and I gulped down

“So what are you insinuating”

“Let’s have it right now, a quickie I know you need it” she move closer to me.

“Rachael stop I can’t cheat on her” I said and pushed her away from me

I hastily went to the bathroom and lock the door, she’s a d’vil reincarnate


Lila pov
I entered the room and I saw Rachael lying on the bed wearing a lingerie, smiling stupidly and I scoff

I glance around and I could not see Alex then I heard the sound of water dripping coming from the bathroom, I guess he’s bathing

I cough slightly so she can notice my presence, I gulp down
“Oh you’re here” she said

“What are you doing here” I said icily
“What do you mean by what am I doing here, I slept here infact we just finished having a hot sx” she said and I nod my head

“Who are you deceiving”


“Your lie is very smooth but I’m not gonna believe that bullsht, you can’t fool like the way you are doing to others” I said


“I called Alex last night, a video call and there’s no sign of you so you are deceiving yourself” I said

“What!!! I hate you!!” She fumed

She stood and raise her hand up to slap but I held it
“What do you wanna do, if you try it your family will cry for you” I said and push her away slightly

She scoff “I hate you”
“I never begged for your love” I replied and she scoff

“Do you know I’m the legit wife here” she said

“By getting pregnant out of wedlock, what am I even saying, is it by bringing another Man’s child into this house claiming it to be Alex child” I said and she chuckled

“I pity that innocent child in your womb” I said
“I’m still the legit wife here”

“Where’s your wedding ring, no court bind you and Alex together but a court did that to us” I said

“That court that bind you guys together will be the one to separate you guys” she said
I scoff “let’s see how it’s gonna happen”

“Watch out” she said and was about to leave when I stopped her

“Don’t be coward, if you wanna face me do it right and don’t involve my innocent sister” I said
“What!!!!” She scoff

“I’m gonna start thinking like a desperate bçh, like a killer” I said and back her immediately
I heard the sound of the door and I turn, she’s gone

“Lila you did well” I muttered and I smiled

The bathroom door open and turn around to see Alex, a white towel is wrapped around his waist with water dripping making him to look hot

“Where’s Rachael?” He asked
“I don’t know” I replied

“Do you by any chance hit her”
“I don’t waste my energy on bçhes like her” I said and was about to enter the bathroom when he suddenly hug me from behind

“I love you” he said and I just nod my head
He held my waist possessively, not ready to leave me alone

“Did you say something last night when I called you” he said

Is he drunk??

Does he have amnesia?

“I did not pick your call” I simply reply

“Are you still mad at me?”
“Do you deserve a punishment” I replied

“What’s the punishment? give it to me” he said confidently and I chuckled

I turn around and kssed him


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