Written by Authoress Mide


Five months later

“I need to go to work” I heard a voice, I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Alex smiling at me
“You’re awake” he said and I nod my head

I gently sit on the bed and Alex help to a pillow behind my so I can rest it

“Are you going to work?” I asked

“It’s very urgent, I will see you later at night” he said and kiss my lip and forehead, I smiled
“Let me escort” I said

“No you need to rest” he said and I chuckled
He made me rest on the bed and I sat upright immediately smiling at him

“Im fine I wanna walk” I said

I held his hand for support as I get down from the bed, I’m heavily pregnant, the baby bump is out

“Lila you need to rest” Alex said and I shut him up with a kss
“I’m fine” I replied

He held my waist as we walk out from the room, I could hear voices and laugh
“Is anyone around?” I asked

“Your friends” he replied and I glance at him
“Is anything wrong?”
“My waist is paining me I need a massage” I replied

“I will do it when I come back” he said and I smiled

We got downstairs and I saw Gwen, Pete, Steve, Cole and Lucia laughing in the dining room

Things is now back to normal, Alex said we should live in his Mansion so we can become a perfect family since I’m pregnant

“Lila you’re awake” Gwen said and I smiled
“I will see you later” Alex said and kss my lip, I smiled

“Stay safe” I said and he nod his head strolling away while receiving a phone call

“I miss you guys” I said and they smiled at me
“How’s the baby?” Steve asked
“The baby is doing fine dummy” Pete replied and they glared at each other

“Don’t fight, the baby is fine” I said
I drag a chair and sat down on it, my body keep moving around the chair, my boss suddenly start doing me somehow

“Lila are you okay?” Lucia asked and I glance at her
“I’m feeling pains but I will be fine” I replied

“Let me get you water” Steve said and walk away
Instead of the pains to reduce instead it increase, what the heck is wrong

My breathing change, I start breathing in and out hoping the pains will relieve me instead it keeps increasing

“Ahhh” I screamed loud and they rush at me
“Lila is everything okay?” Pete asked
“If she’s fine do you think she will be screaming loud” Lucia replied

“Mmm ahhh my babies” I screamed loud
I held Lucia hand and Pete hand pinching it hard, breathing in and out

“Hey baby I forgot something” a voice said
They all turn to the door direction and they saw Alex staring at them

“What’s wrong?” Alex asked as he rush to my side
“I don’t know your babies is pinching me hard” I screamed loud

Steve came back with a water and I sip a little, I move my body around
“It’s not helping” I said

Alex came in between my legs and lift the long gown up, we all look down and we saw water dripping down

“Her water just broke she’s in labour” Alex said and I screamed loud
“Alex they are pinching” I said trying to hold the tears

“Lucia get the car ready, Gwen go to the third room by your left, open it and you will see the baby stuffs there” Alex said and they rush away
I gently stood up and I wrap my hands around Alex arm

I move a step forward and I felt more pains “Alex don’t touch me” I screamed loud and push him away from my side

I breathe out hoping it will reduce the pain, I try to take a step forward but the pains is too much, I can’t take a step forward

He move closer to me and carried me up in a bridal style and I keep pinching him

“My babies”

Steve open the car door and Alex drop me inside, “Lila breathe in and breathe out”
“Shut up it’s not working” I yelled


Few minutes later

They arrived at the hospital, Eliana was the one that took Lila to the labour room
“Can I stay with her?” Alex asked

“No problem but you know your protocol” Eliana said and Alex nod
Alex put on the glove, net and the hospital uniform

He entered the labour room and saw Lila screaming her lungs out
“Lila you need to push” the doctor said and Lila keep nodding her head

“Alex she’s not pushing” the doctor said as she stop what she was doing
“I will handle it” Alex said

He went over to Lila side and held her hand tightly, feeling her pains

“Sweetie you need to push so we can see the baby” Alex said and Lila screamed loud
Her voice and the baby voice could heard in the labour room, her loud scream

She held Alex hands tightly as she push will her strength, push harder till the first baby come out, she breathe out as soon as the baby come out

She smiled when she heard the baby crying loud “It remain one” the doctor said
“Lila I know you can do it” Alex said

She held his hand as pushed with her strength and the baby come out immediately, the first time was difficult but the second time is easy
Lila smiled when she heard the cries of the babies, she cried

“Awwn your babies are beautiful” Eliana said and Alex smiled

“Alex thank you” Lila said

“No I should be the one thanking you for making me a father, thank you for letting me know that word love exist” Alex said

“What should be the baby name?” Eliana asked
“Daniel and Daniella” Alex replied and smiled at me, I love his dimples, tight dimples

“Alex thank you for making me a woman and a mother” Lila said and Alex kssed her

Shortly Eliana came back with the babies wrapped in a shore, Alex carried one while Eliana drop the second baby in my arm

“The boy came first follow by the girl” Eliana said and I smiled staring at the beautiful Baby
“The one with Alex is the boy” she said and I nod

“Thank you Eliana” I said
“We’re one family” she said and stroll out
“She gat your beautiful face” Alex said and I smiled

“And he gat your handsome face” I said
One family

A perfect one with beautiful kids

“I love you Mrs Rodriguez” Alex said

“I love you Mr Rodriguez” Lila said smiling brightly as they kssed again

“Alex I wanna sleep” Lila said as she broke the kss

“You really need it ” Alex said as he carry the two babies


“I will clean her then transfer her to the ward” Eliana said and he nod

Without that contract Alex will never know that true love exist, without Lila he won’t know the meaning of true love




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