By Authoress Fãvy



“Leave” Javier commanded when he was done with the girl, he moved and entered the bathtub.

The girl with a blury eyes, picked her tattered garment, her legs was shaking and she was feeling so much sore. She weakly put on her cloth and left.

She was walking slowly with shaking legs, just then she stopped and turned around.

“I will get my revenge on you prince Javier” She muttered with a cold distance voice and continued walking.

Just then she saw prince Dario making her to pause and bow.

King Basmus has called to see Dario, Dario was so confused on why the king seeks for him.

“Greetings your highness” The girl bowed, Dario nodded slightly.

The girl turned and stared at him, a simple smile appeared on her face, well she has a huge crush on Prince Dario.

Well every maid likes prince Dario, his personality is simple and he is heavenly beautiful.

“Such an angel on Earth” The maid muttered and continued walking.

“Ouch” She winched, feelings more pains between her legs.

When she reached the maids quarters, immediately they set their eyes on her, some understood what has happened.

“What happened Sarah?” Her friends asked.

“Prince…prince Jav…” She couldn’t finish her words because she suddenly went unconscious.

“Sarah!” They shouted and rushed to her.



“Your majesty, Prince Dario is here” Shank announced to the king.

He was seating on his throne_like chair, smoking pipe.

Dario took in a deep breath and entered inside.

“Greetings your majesty” He greeted with a bow.

King Basmus stared up at him for sometime, he sighed and got down from his chair. Dario still had his head lowered. He felt the king come closer to him.

“Look up” He heard the king deep voice.

Dario slightly raise his head, what happened next was something he never expected.

The king suddenly gave him a slap across the face.

Dario with a widened eyes held his face.

“Father” He muttered, suddenly feeling tears building inside his eyes, is not because the sI.ap was painful or what. Is because of the hatred that filled his Father’s eyes now.

Hatred mixed with disgust and something else he couldn’t understand.

“This is for disrespecting your elder Dario” King Basmus said with a cold voice looking away.

He was extremely angrily.

“What?” Dario muttered. So Javier reported him to the king.

Wonderful, very wonderful.

King Basmus turned to return to his seat.

“Why do you hate me so much father?!” Dario suddenly asked with a raised tone. King Basmus halted on his tracks.

“Leave” He ordered.

“I won’t leave until you tell me why you hate me so much, you never treated me like a human being talkless of a son, why? Why Father?” Dario asked.

“Am not your father, I stopped being your father, the very day you were born…you took your mother’s life Dario!” King Basmus said with a cold voice.

“Really?” Dario chuckled sadly, his heart is shattered.

“That’s some silly thing I have ever heard, a child whom fate took away his mother…that’s whom you are accusing of klling?!” Dario shouted, he couldn’t hold himself anymore.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at the king!!” King Basmus thundered and faced him.

“Am talking to my father not the king” Dario said and approached him.

“Am not your father Dario” King Basmus repeated.

“Then send me far away, I don’t belong here, just send me away!” Dario said as tears drip down his eyes.

King Basmus seeing the tears immediately looked away.

“I won’t, I want you to stay here and experience the pains…I experienced the very day your mother died” He muttered with a cold voice.

Dario shut his eyes close and opened it again.




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