February 10, 2025

Where to Find Sesame Seeds in Grocery Store

Generally, it’s quite difficult to find ingredients that can be used for a variety of dishes and recipes because it also means they can be placed in multiple sections of a grocery store as well – sesame seeds are one such grocery item. If you’re having issues finding this item in your grocery store continue reading, we’ve compiled a list of popular grocery chains across the US, and where they keep their sesame seeds.

What Aisle is Sesame Seeds in the Grocery Store?

Generally, sesame seeds are placed in the same section where you’ll find ingredients for sushi, as such, you want to check the spice aisle before anything else. They’re typically placed in a transparent spice jar alongside other spices and herbs that can be used to prepare sushi.

However, some grocery stores go into detail when grouping their items, you’ll most likely find sesame seeds in the international aisle, grouped with either Japanese or Latin products. Again, it shouldn’t be a surprise to see it in the international aisle, under the section for sushi ingredients.

Furthermore, stores that have bulk sections will often keep sesame in the bulk spice section, so don’t be surprised.

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Where to Find Sesame Seeds Near You?

1. Amazon

Amazon is a great shopping spot for sesame seeds, it’s one of the few spots where you’re guaranteed to find a variety of sesame seeds brands. In their walk-in stores, they stock it in the herbs, spices & seasoning aisle, and also in the cooking & and baking nuts & seeds section. You can find brands like McCormick Culinary, 365 by Whole Foods Market, Terrasoul Superfoods, Roland, Pride of India, DAVID seeds, Naturevibe Botanicals, gimMe, GERBS, The Spice Way, and lots more.

Read Also: Amazon vs AliExpress: Which is Better for Online Shoppers?

2. Walmart

Walmart is among those grocery stores that stock a robust collection of sesame seeds – they keep sesame seeds in the spice & seasoning aisle. Brands like Great Value, Sushi Chef, Imperial Dragon McCormick, Badia, JFC, Food to Live, Chosen Foods, and Rani Brand Authentic Indian Products are readily available, but that’s not to say you can’t get varieties like Cookwell, Blue Diamond, Lisy, House of Tang, Spice Island, Pride of India, or Lee Kum Kee there.

3. Kroger

Surprisingly, Kroger stocks their sesame seeds in the Pantry or natural & organic section, instead of the spice aisle which is commonplace to keep them. Also, if you’re looking to shop in-store, there are not a lot of brands; Kroger (brand-owned), Bakery Fresh Goodness, Blue Diamond, Sun Luck, Simple Truth Organic, Pepperidge Farm, and Private Selection are the only brands available.

4. Safeway

Safeway is without question one of the best spots to shop for sesame seeds. The section where they keep it depends on the size of the walk-in store; most place their sesame seeds on the condiments, spice & bake aisle, but it’s not a surprise to seed it in the international cuisine section if the store has that available. Brands like O Organics, McCormick, and Morton & Bassett, are readily available.

Read Also: Does Safeway do Money Orders?

5. Nuts-in-Bulk

As the name suggests, Nuts-in-Bulk is a store where you can purchase items like sesame seeds in wholesale quantities and prices. What’s good about using this option is that you can also get tiny quantities, while still getting to purchase at the wholesale price. 

6. Wegmans

Wegmans is also another great option if you’re searching for sesame seeds – they keep their stock in the aisle for condiments. In-store, you can purchase brands like JFC, Simply Organic, Laxmi, McCormick, and Lee Kum Kee. Also, they have their banded Wegmans Organic Sesame Garlic Sauce which is worth a fair shot in your recipe.

7. Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market is a grocery chain that stocks sesame seeds in the aisle for nuts & spices. They often stock brands like Bakery, Morton & Bassett, Spicely, JFC, and their branded 365 by Whole Foods Market.

How long do Sesame Seeds Last?

The shelf life of sesame seeds doesn’t change even after opening the jar. You just have to make sure you’re keeping it in a cool and dry place and everything else can handle itself. More so, the expiry date printed on the container isn’t always a line in the sand – you can still use it for up to six months after its expiry date, even though the flavor may significantly lessen after it expires.

Is Sesame Seeds Safe?

Most medical studies have confirmed sesame seeds as a safe item to consume. However, like other food items, if abused, or eaten in excess amounts, it can have adverse effects on our health. While that’s the case, medical studies have also shown that sesame seeds have some unique phytochemicals that can do things like lower one’s blood sugar, protect against cancer, avert high blood pressure, protect the liver, and serve as an antioxidant.


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