60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 45

Davis pov
“We’re here” I said as I unbuckle my seat belt, I turn to my right hand side and I could find Yuri instead I saw her outside staring at my company

So fast

I get down from the car and lock the door with a remote, I went to stay beside her and join her in staring at the building

“Dude you are really rich” she said
“Do you think I’m a commoner” I replied

“Don’t be silly” she said and walk away leaving me behind
“Wait for me” I said

We pass through the lobby and I could see the female workers drooling over me, there are girls drooling over me but Yuri is different infact there’s no difference between Yuri and Lila

Lila is crazy and Yuri is also crazy,,,,,,,,,if you’re not close to Yuri you can never know that she’s crazy

The sound of my phone vibrating jolt me out of my thought
“Alex any problem?”

“Lila beat up three girls” he replied
“I don’t get,,,,,Lila beat up three girls?”
Yuri stop walking and use her hands to stop me from walking

“Man let’s talk about this later” I said and he cut the call
“Why are you stopping me??”

“Did Lila really beat up three girls??” She asked
“I think so” I replied

“That’s my girl I’m so proud of her infact she deserve an award” Yuri said and I widened my eyes

“You’re supporting this??”
“Why not,,,,,,are you expecting her to be a weakling, dude wake up” she replied

“Yuri she beat up three girls”

“I know,,,,,,,,,,I wish I know when that bullsht happened so I can live stream it” she said

“But did the girls mention who sent them??”
“I don’t think so” I replied

“Davis I need to go and confirm something” she said and was about to walk away when I held her hand

“What about the server?”

“Oh goodness,,,,,, let’s go to your office” she said and I let go of her hand

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Lila pov
I just can’t just smiling, my face is already red and my cheek is paining me

I get down from the car and rush inside, I saw my mom standing holding a lunch box
“Lila baby”

“Momma” I said and I ran to hug her
“I miss you, I miss Lily” I said and she smiled

“Good evening mother” Alex said as he bow
And my mom smiled

“Alex my son” my mom said and he smiled
“Mom let’s go upstairs” I said

I intertwine my hands into her hand and walk away leaving Alex alone in the sitting room
We entered the room and I close the door, my mom glance around the room smiling

“It’s beautiful right?”
“Very beautiful” she replied

She sat on the white couch that’s in the room and drop the lunch box on the table
“So mom how’s Lily?” I asked

“Still in coma” she replied
She look wear out “Mom I’m sorry”

“For what baby”
“For not giving you any attention, there’s lot happening” I replied

“Will you like to share them with me” she said and I nod my head

I smiled “Alex kss me” I said lowly and she smiled
I watch as she open the lunch box and dish out the food she prepared

“You children are finally behaving like an adult” she said and I giggled

I sat on on the foamy rug in front of the table and take a hold of the steak that she prepared
“Yummy” I said and she smiled

“You like it” she said and I nod my nod
“My baby is slim like the back of my palm,,,,,,,,are they treating you well” she said as she touch my cheek

“Mom I’m fine,,,,,,,you look exhausted” I said and she smiled
She put the vegetable inside my mouth and I smiled at her

“Mom I’m fine” I said
I take the napkin and use it to clean her hands, I drag her up and make her lay on the bed

“Lila what are you doing??” She asked
“Mom you need to rest” I said

I cover her body with the duvet then drop down the curtain so the outside light won’t disturb her

I went to sit on the floor and continue eating my food in silence, the door open and Alex walked in,,,,,,,,I signal to him not to make noise

He tip toe and came to sit infront of me, I push the plate that’s filled with steak to his front
“I know you love steak very much” I said and he smiled

I put the steak inside his mouth and he gladly accept, I watch as he take his time to eat
“Why are you feeding me?”

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked
“No I love it” he replied and I smiled

I put another steak inside the mouth and he smiled
“You’re slow in eating” I said and he smiled

“I have to take my time so the food can digest very well” he replied

“Your mom food is delicious” he added
“I love her food”

“Do you when it’s birthday?” I asked and he scratch his hair

“I don’t know” he replied and I just nod
I put the steak and vegetable inside his mouth and wait for him to eat finish

I don’t know when I held his cheek my other hand and soothe the cheek

“What made you to be a player,,,,,,,,,,I believe something made you to be one” I muttered softly

He remove my hand from his cheek and squeeze it lightly, he drop the take a hold of the napkin that’s on the table,,,,,,,,he used to clean my hand that’s stained with steak

“Come over” he gesture

I went over to his side and sit down beside him, he just turn and rest his head on lap
“Stroke my hair” he said

“Stroke?” I asked in confusion

“Like this” he took my hand and use it to stroke his hair gently before leaving my hand

“Will you let me In?” I asked and he smiled

“My family is not perfect, my dad have just few days left on Earth, my mom always controlling believing I can’t make a decision on my and Harris always fighting with me because of the family business,,,,,,,,apart from the hospital my dad has another business and he wanna will everything to me that’s why Harris take as his rival” he said

“And about being a player,,,,,,,,,,,I heard my friends suffering from heartbreak and I don’t want that to happen to me cause I have a weak heart so I turn into a player, I don’t want them to break my heart instead I wanna be do the one to that” he added

I love him I can’t deny that fact
“Not all girls are heartbreaker, I won’t break your heart” I said and he smiled

“I know you can’t do that, you’re a rare gem and gems don’t misbehave” he said and I smiled
“Alex do you want your family business too?” I asked and he kept quiet

“You don’t wanna talk about it” I said
I stroke his hair smiling at him, he’s too handsome dmn it

“Half of me want it, half of me does not want it” he replied

“Alex you are a good surgeon, a popular one at that so you don’t need that family business, give everything to Harris and let peace reign” I said

“I will think about it” he said
“Alex that’s one of wishes so I want you to grant it for me” I said

“I will grant it for you so right you have two wishes left” he said
“Yes I have just two left” I said

“I will grant it but not now” he replied

“When your 60 Days is over in this house I will give it to him” he replied and I smiled

I bent down and kss his forehead

He smiled “I wanna sleep”
“Let’s go to the guest room” I said

“No I’m fine like this” he replied

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

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