60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 33

I wish yesterday can repeat itself over and over, the video of me hugging Alex is really trending on the internet, I went to school today and the girls won’t stop glaring at me

“Where are you going to??” Georgia asked jolting me out of beautiful thought

I stare at her as everywhere become silent, the maids around stop walking…….. the maid that wanted to pass the stairs can’t pass it why??? Because Georgia is there, no maid share staircase with her

“I asked you a question” she said
“I’m going to the hospital” I replied

“To do what??? Don’t tell me you are pregnant” she said
“I’m not pregnant……..I’m going there to visit Alex” I replied

“You can’t even be pregnant for him, you can’t carry his child not when I’m alive” she said

I roll my eyeballs “If I want to do it I will do it”
“I won’t allow that to happen”
“Then let’s see how fast you are” I said and walk away

I smiled as I held my black hand bag and walk out of the Mansion, the black heels I’m putting keep attracting noise

“The car is ready” Gwen said and I nod my head
Steve drove the car and stop in front of me smiling at me, I entered the car with Gwen and he drove out in full speed

I’m going to hospital to check on Lila and also see Alex, he left home early today so I miss the opportunity to see him

Soon we arrive at the hospital and I get down from the car first, Steve drove away to park the car properly

I walk inside the hospital, I felt all eyes on me……. the patients won’t stop staring at me including the nurse too

I ignore the stare and went straight to Lily ward, soon I arrive there and I saw Ryan and my mom

“Lila you are here” he said and I smiled
“How’s she, any chance of her waking up?” I asked

“She’s still the same” my mom replied
I sigh heavily “I’m coming……I want to go and see Alex, Gwen and Pete you guys should wait here” I said

I walk away and went straight to Alex office, as walk closer to his office door I could hear some weird noise

What’s going on???

I opened the door and………… I saw Alex having s€x with Samantha, this female doctor

I don’t know when the bag I was holding fell on the floor attracting their attention, Alex look surprised to see me

I don’t know when tears start rolling down my cheek, rolling down like a river

“Lila I can explain” Alex said as he hastily push Samantha off his body.
“I’m sorry for barging in, next time I will knock…….. continue your fun” I said lowly, I carry my bag that’s on the floor

I sniff, I’m so stupid for allowing that ba$tard to kss me………I hate the fact that my heart is beating for him

I turn around and I was surprised to see Ryan resting on the door staring at me
“A player will always remain a player, a player can never change” Ryan said

I staggered out of his office and Ryan followed me, I stop walking when I got to a quiet place, I turn around and face him

“Ryan let me be, stop following me around like a bee I need some breathing space” I said

“You love him right??”

“That’s none of your business” I replied
“Lila this guy does not deserve your tears” Ryan said


“He’s there flocking around, sleeping with ladies and you are crying for him……….. Lila”

“I’m sick and tired of everything, Ryan please give me some breathing space” I said and walk away leaving him alone in that spot

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Few minutes later, I arrive home and I went straight to the bedroom, I slump on the bed and close my eyes slowly

I hate you

I hate him

Dmn this weird feelings

Why does this feeling have to show up now.
I need to hide this feelings, I need to erase this feelings from my head

After that kss I can’t stop thinking about Alex

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Two hours later
I woke up and I feel exhausted, I check my phone and I saw ten missed call and messages from Ryan

I was too harsh on Ryan, a sweet guy that’s ready to sacrifice his time and energy to make me happy and I’m here crying for Alex that does not care about me or even think about for a sec…………so mean, his future wife is really gonna do a huge job on him

I let my emotions control my words, my mind and thinking…….I don’t want to stay mad at Ryan so I need to go and see him

I stood up, pack my hair up in a ponytail then step out of the room with my phone and handbag

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Few minutes…………I arrived at his parent’s Mansion

I press the bell multiple times and the door open revealing her lady in her early twenties
“Are you the one that’s pressing the bell as if you haven’t seen one before” she said rudely
“You’re a maid right??”

“That’s none of your business…….are you one of his crushes” she said
“What’s going on?”

I heard a familiar voice, I stretch my neck to look through the door and I saw Ryan holding an apple staring at me

“You can leave Alicia” he said

She glared then walk away swinging her stiff a$s to move pretty hard
“Come in” he said

I step in and I saw maids in the sitting room doing different jobs around staring at me.
“Can we talk in your room” I said lowly, I gulp down

I stare at him to see his reaction, he just pout his lip staring at me like I’m some kind of food
“Stop staring at me as if I’m a candy”

He chuckled then smiled revealing his tight dimples “I will gladly take you there” he said

He move closer to me then held my hand, he squeeze it lightly…….he smiled then walk dragging me along with him

The maids won’t stop staring at me

Some won’t stop glaring at me

I entered his room and quietly sit on the bed trying to avoid his gaze
“You wanna say something” he said

“I’m sorry for talking to you that way earlier……….I just let my emotions control me” I said

He just stare at me without saying anything and this is making me worried
“Say something……..are you gonna cut ties with me?”

“Are you hungry?? What will you like to eat?” He asked and I widened my eyes
“Ryan like seriously”

“Come on Lila……..”

“Why will I cut ties with you, you are my friend and not anyhow friend……a special friend” he said and I smiled

“You need a hug” he said and hug me, he knelt in front of me and hug me really tight
He sooth my hair, I could feel his smile and I smiled “you understand me very well like a book”

“So do you still need some breathing space??”
I chuckled “Not when it comes to you” I replied

“Today I want us to have fun” he said and I bash my eyelashes

I followed him to the swimming pool side, the pool is really wide
“What of your mom?” I asked

“She’s on a vacation with my Dad” he replied
“You’re left home”

“Home alone…….. some breathing space” he said and I smiled

“So how’s your girl…… the girl you like” I said
“She’s doing pretty good” he replied

I deep my leg inside the water as I play with the water splashing the water around
“I wanna meet her” I said

“Are you sure??”
“I wanna meet her” I said

“When the time comes you will meet her” he said and I nod my head
“Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

“I will take bottle water” I replied
“Just bottle water”

“It’s okay” I said and smiled at him
“Did he call you” he suddenly asked

“I don’t wanna talk about Alex right now, I just wanna enjoy this moment” I said

“That guy does not deserve you………I really can’t wait for your days to be over in that house” he said and I smiled

“It will be over soon within a twinkle of an eyes”

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

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