October 18, 2024

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 31

Ryan pov
I watch as she stood up from the floor feeling weak, she staggered and was about to fall when I caught her………..
Alex was suppose to be the one to carry her but because I’m faster and closer to her, I was able to catch her fast.
I carried her up in a bridal style and take her to the female restroom

I drop her on the bench that’s in the restroom and bent down to her level

“Ryan those word they said about me was not true…….I’m not a cheat” she said rushing her words

She look beautiful even tho her whole body is messed up and when I mean her body gawwd this girl is the real definition of temptation
How’s Alex able to keep up with her

Her curvy shape, her fresh medium ßoobs, her red lip, beautiful face and beautiful heart……… beautiful smile

I brought out my handkerchief and use it to clean her hair slowly, glancing at her lip every seconds

“Thank you”

I smiled “anything for my lady” I said and she smiled

“Lila you are beautiful with a good heart and crazy behavior” I said and she laughed
“I love your smile”

She giggled like a baby

I clean her hair then move to her beautiful face, I clean her cheek and at the same time staring at her lip

I brought my lip closer to her lip,I was about to kss her that’s when the door open and Alex step in

That dude is a fun killer, his name should be fun killer and not Alex Rodriguez
“What are you trying to do?” He asked

“As you can see I’m about to kiss my lady” I replied
I glance at her, she’s just giggling like a baby her beautiful cheek is already red

“You have no right to kiss someone else wife”
“Since do you start caring” I replied

“Well that’s none of your business” Alex said as he push me away from Lila and bent down to her level staring at her

“Take care and don’t hurt her”
“You have no right to tell me how I will treat my wife” he said calmly

I smirk at him and he glared at me, I glance at Lila……… she just staring at us keeping this baby look on her

“You guys should stop fighting over me” Lila said, Alex widened his eyes and I chuckled
“You say what Lila” Alex said

“You guys are fighting because of me and I don’t like it” she said and pout her lip
I push Alex aside and bent down to level, I held her cheek and smiled at her

“We’re not fighting……. we’re just talking” I said
I hug her and she hug me too really tight not minding If she gonna stain me or not
“What the he.ll is going on……. just get out from here”

Alex pushed me off and hug Lila like his entire life depend on it, I thought he hate her

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Lila pov
I widened my eyes as Alex hugged me really tight as if is life depends on it

I smiled as I feel the comfort, his fragrance, I love his fragrance and I wish the hug last long.
I don’t even know when Ryan left the restroom leaving me alone with Alex

“You need to change your clothe” Alex said as he avoid my gaze.
“Do you really believe them??” I asked, I stare at his eyes looking for answer

“I know you very well” he replied, Alex brought out his phone and make a phone call
“Kehlani I need you to get me clothe for Lila” he said

“It’s a long story, please be fast about it” he said and cut the call
“Why are you so nice to me??”

“It’s because of the press” he replied
“What are you even doing here……..the school?”
“Remember I’m here to lecture” he replied

He held my hands and squeeze it lightly then stare at my face……for long
“Is there something on my face?” I asked innocently

“I think there’s something”
He brought his face closer to mine…………..I could his heavy breathe on him, my heart starting beating very fast like a drum

Then……..he smash his lip on mine, kssing me deeply…………I widened my eyes then I slowly wrap my arms around his neck and his hands rest on my waist closing my eyes

I love his pink lip

The taste is what I love

Just wanna enjoy this moment

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Eliana pov
“Ryan how’s Lila??” I asked as soon Ryan step out of the restroom
“She’s in there with Alex” he replied

I followed him behind as he went to the school hall, he sat on the stairs staring at the space
“What’s wrong??” I asked

I wrap my left hand around his neck staring at his cute baby face…… this dude is dmn handsome

“Nothing is wrong Eliana” he replied as he slowly remove my hand from his neck
“Ryan look at me”

“Eliana please I’m tired…….. don’t stress me” he said.
I held his chin and turn it making him to face me, to stare at me

“Cheer up I’m here for you” I said as I hug him, he just rest his head on my shoulder
“I told you I’m fine” he said as he stylishly remove my hand from his neck

“But your face is moody”
“Eliana I need sometime alone to think” he said
“What are you thinking about………I can give you some advice”

He stare at me for some time before opening his beautiful mouth to talk

“What if you like a girl, the girl is not available at the moment but she will be available later…………..so you need someone to help you convince the girl that you truly like her……. don’t worry you can’t understand” he said

“I don’t understand like you said but you can make me understand” I said

“Don’t worry I will sort things out myself” Ryan said as he stood up to walk then I held his hand

“Where are you going to??”
“To the classroom” he replied

“You can’t leave me here alone” I said
I stood up quitely and face him staring at his beautiful, especially the lip.
I boldly take a step forward and try to kss him, he brushed his face away making me to lose target

“You don’t want me to kss you”
“Eliana stop all this, I don’t love you………I love someone else” he said as he move away from me

“And the girl is Lila Thompson” I said as I smirk
“That’s none of your business” he said

“Dude I’m beautiful, single and rich………….stop chasing after Lila she’s married to Alex, she’s just playing with your feelings” I said
“Watch your mouth Eliana……. Lila is different from you”

“You don’t know Lila more than me, the girl is just playing with your feelings……..she told me personally” I said

“Do you have any proof??” He asked
“I don’t have one but I’m sure of what I’m saying, Lila is a bad girl……… she’s a pretender and an animal” I said

He smiled “Why are you talking ill about your friend??”
“I’m just advising you not to make a great mistake” I said

“Keep the advise to yourself………. even if I need an advise I can never ask you” he said
“Ryan why are you talking like this…….do you hate me?”

“Why will I hate……….I just don’t love you so stop forcing yourself on me, stop coming to my house and stop giving my mom the wrong impression” he said and walk away

Lila you think you are winning, sorry to bust your bubble that’s a big fat lie

Ryan let see how long you are gonna resist me.
I smirk and watch as he sluggishly walk out of the hall room with his hands trapped in his pocket

Now Lila have two men wrapped under her little finger while I have none and she’s happy
I should have eliminate her and dumb sister since

I step out of the school hall and head to the class room for the dmn test

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

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