By Authoress Fāvy


“I love you prince Dario and want to spend the rest of my life with you…my heart belongs to you” This was her response.

“Wooohhhhh!” Zaus rejoiced.

Dario felt the pieces of his world coming together in his very own eyes.He doesn’t ask for much but to be with this beautiful soul that heavens gave to him.

“Immediately all this is over, let’s get married immediately…

Will you marry me princess Thanalaid?” He asked…Thana blushed instantly…her heart thobbling against her chest.

“Yes I will marry you prince Dario” She responded… before Dario can digest it all…

She pulled him down clashing her lips on his surprising Dario who displayed a little bit of shock.

He was about to reciprocate the movement her lips is making on his when she swiftly pushed him off hovering over him.

“Princess Thana…” He whispered blinking at once. Thana grinned, she licked her lips so seductively which didn’t escape Dario’s eyes making him hard immediately.

“Prince Dario…” She whispered and leaned closer to his face. She moved and licked his lips bitting on it.

“Hmm” Dario groaned when her hand grabbed his little mo.nster.

“Are you really my princess?” He asked while breathing so heavily.

Thana moved to closer to his ears giving him a deep lick there.

“Let’s make love, don’t stop me because I’m going to be in control” She whispered so seductively giving him another deep lick…Dario is already in another world.

A world called the world of pleasure. The question here is that will he actually make a return back to his own world? Or will he live there forever?

“H’ll No…this isn’t princess Thana, this is someone else!!” Zaus screamed out in total shock after recollecting what is actually happening. Princess Thana is Never like this.

‘Keep calm and enjoy the free show, you may never experience this again in your lifetime’ Dario shunned him inwardly.

“Fk you!!!!”


‘Keep calm and enjoy the free show, you may never experience this again in your lifetime’ Dario shunned him inwardly.

“Fk you!!!!”

Dario grinned inwardly as Thana leaned off his ears, she moved her next Target in kssing the hell out of him.

Her lips smacking against his while he grabbed her a*s returning the same energy she’s giving Into the intense kss.

“Is this what I’m going to be seeing all the time, especially now that they have reconciled, I did better complete my mission and return back to my realm” Zaus lamented within but that didn’t escape Dario’s active ears.

Thana disengaged from the kss, with her dreamy eyes not leaving his, she moved to tore away his garment when a slight knock came on the door. They both immediately snapped their eyes towards the door.

“Heavens bless the intruder” Zaus sighed out in relief. The knock came in again.

“Dario son” That was Arianna’s voice, Thana immediately rolled off Dario’s body as they both arranged themselves as if nothing happened.

“Son” Arianna knocked again.

“You can come in mother” Dario said, Arianna gently opened the door and entered with smiles on her face.

“Good morning Mother” Dario greeted.

“Good morning Son, hope you slept well?” She asked.

“Good morning your majesty” Thana who sat up from the bed and gave out a little bow to the woman.

Arianna smiled.

“No I’m no longer the king’s own, I’m just a mother…you can call me mother?” She responded.

“Really?” Thana exchanged quick glance with Dario who gave her a slight nod.

“Okay mother” She smiled.

“That’s nice, I made breakfast… when you’re done freshening up come to dinning hall” Arianna said to them.

“Okay Mother, we would be there very soon” Dario said, Arianna nodded and turned to leave but she suddenly paused turning to look at them.

“Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything?” She asked smirking discreetly.

Dario and Thana exchanged awkward glances as they shook their heads the same time.

“N…No mother”

“Of course you interrupted sometime, But thank you for the interruption… cause you just saved a lonely soul” Zaus giggled.

‘Shut it!’ Dario fired him inwardly.


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