October 18, 2024



Princess Stories

Episode 3

My Comfort Zone

Episode 3

Belinda tossed around her bed until her eyes popped open.

“God I overslept.” She whispered to herself when she discovered it was few minutes to 6am.

“Hey, you didn’t bother to wake me up. The kids would be late for school.” She said to her husband who she saw coming out of the bathroom, after greeting respectfully.

“I saw you needed more rest so I thought not to disturb you. You don’t have to bother about the kids, they’re up and getting dressed already.”

“Thank you.” She said in relief.

“So tell me, how are you?” He asked as he moved closer to her.

“I’m fine.” She responded casually. He chuckled.

“No babe. I mean how are you, really?” He asked again, looking into her eyes this time. She sighed heavily.

“I don’t know. Unhappy, I guess.”

“But you’ve been praying about this, haven’t you? I mean I’ve seen you get up from my side to say one or two words of prayer before sleeping finally. Am I right?” He asked and she nodded in response.

“So why worry about your situation when you are already taking it to God in prayers? Do prayer and worrying go together? I remember one Sunday our pastor preached on this. He said those that want to receive from God should pray to him without a doubt.

Babe if you keep doubting Him by still worrying about what you’re taking to God in prayers, you’d receive nothing from God. So stop getting worried over nothing, okay?” He said and planted a kiss on her pointed nose.

“Thank you.” She whispered as he smiled and withdrew from her.

“You know to an extent, I’m glad this is happening.” He said as he got dressed.

“What exactly?”

“You know, the death of Ma Zipporah and the loss of your job.” He responded

“How are those supposed to make anyone glad?” She asked with a frown.

“Don’t make that face, let me explain first. You know I’m beginning to think that the death of Ma Zipporah would make you sit up and be independent spiritually.

Plus the loss of your job would serve as a lesson to you that no one is indispensible, and when you finally get it back, you’d understand that God answers the prayers of anyone who trusts Him enough to pray to Him concerning their situations.

You don’t necessarily need a middleman to have God answer your prayers so……yeah; I see all these happening in a good light, and you should too.” Her husband said and she thought about it for a while.

Truly the death of Ma Zipporah would force her to sit up and be independent spiritually, and if God would be gracious enough to answer her prayers and give her back her job, it’d be a solid confirmation that she doesn’t need to depend from her fellow human being to receive answers from God.

Belinda’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Mommy we’re done getting dressed.” Ray said from behind the door.

Belinda got up to go check up on the children.

“You didn’t wake your sister up?” Belinda asked bewildered when she saw her daughter still asleep.

“I did, she was having her bath when I left her to dress up……I didn’t know she went back to sleep.” Tom said but Belinda paid no attention to him. Instead she tapped Gift and scolded her into getting dressed.
Next she rushed to the kitchen to prepare noodles for them and had their lunchbox ready.

“It’s 6:45am already. Let’s go!” She said to her children who in turn rushed down to the car. One would say it was too early to leave the house but Belinda hates waiting for too long, so she has her time well calculated and always plans on being early enough to beat morning traffic.

Ray hopped into David’s car while Gift went with her mom. This was the most convenient way of handling their school run since they attended different schools, and Ray’s school was closer to David’s place of work.

As soon as Belinda arrived at her daughter’s school, she dropped her and sped off.

“Full Housewife Day 3….God save my soul.”


Gift walked into her class to see a strange teacher seating and making notes.

“We have a new class teacher?” She asked herself and hoped to get answers during assembly.

“Hmmm….this one you came earlier than me today.” Favour said after hugging her best friend.

“What do you mean? I’m the first to get to class always. It’s only like 5 times you’ve first me to come to school.” Gift responded and just then the bell for morning assembly rang.

“Okay pupils, it’s time for announcement.” The Assistant Headmistress said on the assembly ground

“This is a new teacher; her name is Rachel and she’d be the form teacher of primary 5.” She announced as the pupils clapped joyfully.


Belinda was done with house chores and settled to watch TV when a part of her suggested she read her Bible.
“The Bible is very boring to me; I don’t understand a thing I read.” She grumbled within as she dragged herself from the sofa to go to the room.

“Oh! My MSG Bible.” She said in excitement as she recalled being gifted with one some years back but has never made use of it.
When she found it and opened to read, her eye caught a verse in the book of James

“If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the father. He loves to help…..ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who ‘worry their prayers’ are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.”

“People who worry their prayers…..they wouldn’t get anything from God. Don’t you think you’re worrying your prayers a lot these days?” A soft voice spoke to her.

“Hmmm…I’ve learnt something today. I won’t worry about getting my job back again; instead I’d exercise faith that I’ve gotten it back.” Belinda decided in her mind. She closed her Bible after much thought on the verse that had jumped on her, and decided to check her mails before watching T.V.

On opening her Gmail app to check her mails, she cleaned her eyes twice before screaming happily.

“Thank you Jesus. Oh thank you Lord, I’m so grateful Lord!” She said as she knelt down to exhibit sincere appreciation

“Yes! Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! God does answer prayers. He heard me and gave me back my job. Chai this God is too good o. Jesus you love me too much o…..” She said as she entered a section of praise for the answered prayers she had just received.

“And to think I had just finished reading my Bible and for the first time received a personal lesson, before checking my mails and seeing this. Hmmm….that means, God had wanted me to learn something first before getting my job back. God I’m grateful, very very grateful.” She said with a wave of hands before reading the mail sent by her company to her again.

She has been summoned for questioning and further investigation into the root of her being fired, seeing she’s a great asset to the company. No one needed to tell her she was going to get her job back that Wednesday.

Belinda anticipated the arrival of her family when it was evening time, and she has also planned ways to break the news creatively to them.

As expected, they were back in less than an hour. She welcomed her husband and daughter gift warmly. David smiled in response to her warm welcome, happy that she wasn’t moody and seemed happy too.

“So tell me, is there something I’m missing?” Dave asked his wife when he pulled her closer to himself.

“Shh…don’t spoil my plans. I’ll tell you on the dining table. Just change into something more comfortable and join us. Gift is waiting already.” She said and left the master’s bedroom for the dining room.

“So guess what baby girl?” She said referring to her daughter whom was now staring at her.

“What mum?”

“Your dearest mother has gotten her job back!” She announced to the amazement of her daughter and husband.

“Wow, Praise God!” Her husband said with so much joy. Her daughter got up from where she was to give her a hug.

“I’m so happy for you dear. But how did it happen?”

“My dear I was just scrolling through my mails today and saw an unread mail from my company. I was wondering because I never leave such mails unread. I checked the time it was sent and discovered it was sent few hours earlier.

I opened it and discovered I’ve been summoned for investigation on my sudden dismissal from duty. I’m going to get it back, I’m super sure of it.” Belinda said as her husband gave her a warm hug.

That night, Belinda’s heart was full of so much gratitude that she couldn’t offer any word of prayer. She was just smiling broadly with her head faced up.

“Thank you Jesus for this wonderful news. Thank you Lord, your daughter is extremely grateful.” She said and blew a kss in the air before turning around to sleep.</p>



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