October 18, 2024




“Why the h’ll am I finding out now!!” Dario half yelled, cutting Demetrio off.

“There are so many reasons you are finding out now Dario” Demetrio said.

“Which is?” Dario asked. Demetrio and Ezekiel exchanged glances.

“You have been alive all this while, living your life to the fullest and you left me in that isolated palace?…

What am I even saying… I don’t even believe this……” Dario trailed off and shut his eyes closed, he opened it again and continued.

“I lived my life knowing that am different but I didn’t know whom am truely are…like I don’t understand a thing now…why are you even letting me know now?…you should have let me live the dark life I was living before…not knowing whom I was” Dario said.

Demetrio looked at Ezekiel and he nodded at him.

Demetrio sighed and ruffled his hair.

“Son… listen…” He made to walk closer to Dario but he stepped back.

“Am not your son, I don’t have any father” Dario muttered and angrily walked away.

“Dario wait!” Ezekiel made to stop him but he walked very fast.

He couldn’t take it anymore, how can a random person showed up to say he is his father.

First it was a woman who appeared to him…when he was small claiming to be his mother.

His life is really messed up…while would his mother bring him out to this world to face this.

For the first time in his whole life …he blamed his mother for his lonely life and mess up life.

“I hate this” He muttered to himself…he just wanted to find himself in his chamber now and collide with his bed…he is emotional down now.

Just when he was about touching the door knob he used to sneak out from…he finds himself on his bed.

With a widened eyes, he sprang up from his bed.

Did he just teleported now! He has never done that before!

“What just happened?” He asked himself.

“I and we just happened” A voice said from inside his head.

Dario looked around.

“Who is there? Who is that?” He asked turning.

“Calm down Dario…don’t panic, real men don’t panic” The voice said again.

“Who the h’ll are you? Show yourself” Dario said.

“How can I show myself when am inside of you… goodness how can the gods give me the mission of been in this type of body” The voice said again and by now Dario is lossing it.

“Calm down Dario…don’t make the dark demon to come out prematurely” The voice said again.

“can you just stop and show yourself!”

“Okay…okay, am your white demon, am inside your body” The White demon said.

“What? How?” Dario asked.

“Am on a mission to protect the dark demon from taking over you Dario, so I will be inside your body temporary… well I have been here since you were born but you are now able to hear my voice because…your father Demetrio has revealed who you truely are” White demon said.

“So he is really my father?” Dario muttered.

“Of course he is…what were you expecting that King Basmus is your father? Or do you think is me?

Wait I don’t even know how he was able to woe your mother Arianna.. because fk it he is so ugly and………”

“Just shut up!!”


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20 thoughts on “HOT BUT FORBIDDEN : CHAPTERS 41 – 50

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