By Authoress Fãvy


“Back to you Dario, why would you make such statement before me, don’t you value your life?” King Basmus asked.

Dario lips stretched into a simple smile.

“Value my life you say, there is nothing valuable about my life your majesty” Dario replied.

King Basmus sighed.

“The words I said about you not been my father and King… isn’t it what you always wanted to hear from my lips? Why are you getting work up about it?” Dario asked.

“Dario!!!” King Basmus hit his fist on his chair, but Dario didn’t even bulge where he stood. He isn’t scared of this man anymore, he isn’t his father, why would he bother getting scared of him?

“You don’t dare talk to a king like that!!” King Basmus scolded.

“Then act like one” Dario said.

King Basmus immediately stood from his seat.

“One more words from you, I will cvt your head off your neck” King Basmus threatened.

Dario chuckled, he lowered his head.

“Then do it, what’s so important about me living a life that is like hell fire, dieing by your hands will be such an honor your majesty” Dario said and lowered his head, giving way for king Basmus to cut off his head.

King Basmus immediately took a sword from one of his guard shelte, he walked towards Dario and placed the tip of the sword on his neck.

“Don’t you dare talk to a king like that, I see you don’t value your life, I will help you end it” King Basmus said.

“As you wish your majesty” Dario muttered as he waited for the sword to his thr..oat.

“Dario!!!!!!” King Basmus shouted.

“I will always stand with my words that you aren’t my king or my…….”

“Why would you say such?” King Basmus asked with eyes slightly opened in anger.

“I said such because a true king isn’t mearnt to believe rumors unless he confirmed it, I never expected such from you, believing rumors without confirming it” Dario muttered, King Basmus shut his eyes closed and opened it again.

“Am still waiting for my th..roat to be slitted” Dario said.

King Basmus stared at him for sometime, expressionlessly, he gently removed the $word from his neck.

“Just for the sake of your mother, that’s why I spared you” He said and returned to his seat, his guard took the $word from him.

King Basmus looked down at Dario for sometime, he sighed and looked away.

“I wonder what is keeping Arianna’s father from coming already…am sick and tired of this nuisance” He muttered to himself.



Demetrio and Ezekiel appeared before A grey cave.

They exchanged glances and entered inside.

What met there eyes was utter darkness but they can still see, just then the candles in the cave lighted up, there on the ground was a woman on a white robe, she was so beautiful…she also has a white hair,her eyebrows is also white.

“Welcome va.mpires” The wtch greeted.

“Spare me the greetings and go straight to the point wtch” Ezekiel snapped. He hate wtçhes.

“Always straight forwarded Ezekiel” the wtch smiled, her smile was so beautiful.

“Don’t be deceived by that looks Demetrio” Ezekiel muttered.

“I know” Demetrio nodded as they both approached the wtch.

“Don’t play smart with us, else you know what will be the outcome” Demetrio said.

“I know” The wtch smiled, she stretched forth her hands towards him.

“The book of Mormon” She demanded and Demetrio placed the book on her hands.

She opened it where Dario’s name was written.

“There are more hidden words in this book Demetrio,but in other to see it, a small drip of your bI.ood will have to be dropped on this book where this name is written” The wtch said and looked up at them, with her white eyes.


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