60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 49

Alex pov
I enter the bedroom and I found it empty, where’s Lila?, I step out of the room and I saw Gwen coming over to my direction

“Where’s Lila?”

“I don’t really know, she receive a call then rush out of the house” she replied

“Call from who?”
“From her friend Ryan” she replied

“Okay you can go”
“Okay sir” she said and walk away, I shut the door and went to lay on the bed

So she went to Ryan’s house

Are they dating or what?

Does she love him?

“Does she love me?”

My mind start imagining nasty things about her and Ryan, I don’t know when I angrily throw the pillow on the wall

“Are they kssing”

“What if they’re making out”

Why am I jealous, this is not the first time they are together, why is it now that I’m feeling jealous

I use my arm to cover my face as I slowly close my eyes so my mind can stop imagining nasty things between them

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Lila pov
I smiled as I enter the room and I saw Alex on the bed sleeping peacefully
He look handsome

I move closer to him then brought my closer to his face immediately he opened his eyes
“What are you doing?”

“Staring at you” I replied

He put one of his fingers on my forehead and push it backward then sit upright
“You’re back” I said

“This is your birthday gift” he said ignoring my last statement, he pointed at the cake and big teddy bear that’s on the bed

I watch as he stood up and was about to leave when I held his hand
“Alex are you okay?”

“I’m fine” he replied
“No you are not okay”

“Lila just let me be I’m tired” Alex said as he remove my hands away from his hand and stroll out of the room

What’s wrong with him?
Earlier today he look vibrant and now he’s back to his grumpy attitude

Where’s he now?

I glance at big window that’s facing the pool and I saw him there sitting alone drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,, alcohol

“Is he okay?”

“Who made him angry?”

“Is everything okay?”

I reach the pool side and I sat down beside him, I stare at his face
“Are you okay?”

“Lila enough of this question” he replied

“What is wrong, earlier today you were vibrant and now you are back to your grumpy attitude, you’re annoying” I snapped and walk out leaving him dumbfounded

“All because of him I turn down Ryan proposal without thinking twice”

“To he.ll with love and this damn feelings”

I enter the room, remove the cake that’s on the bed and drop it on the glass table then lay on the bed hugging the giant pink teddy bear

“I miss my Mom”

“I’m miss Lily”

“Lily please wake up so I can get out from here”
I felt a big arm wrapped around my waist, he snuggle himself on my body

“Hey Alex let me be”

“Are you mad at me?” He asked
“Just let me be” I replied

Instead of him to leave me alone, he wrap his arm tightly around my waist and start kss my face.

We remained in that same position, he intertwine my hands into his hand

“You’re now 20 so you are not longer a kid, you need to feel the adult world” he said huskily and my heart start beating fast

I know he’s talking about inter¢ourse “Alex……”
“I know you are scared, I will wait till you are finally ready”

I turn around and face him, I held his cheek as I smiled at him, he smiled at me

He pull the duvet up to cover our body, he held my hip and make me rest one of my legs on him, his hand rest on my hip as he stroke it gently

“Beautiful on the inside and on the outside” he said softly
“And you are handsome”

It’s different

I rest my head on his chest as the duvet cover my leg and face

“Sorry to interrupt this beautiful moment, I just came to drop this gift” Kehlani said
I heard the door shut and I lift my head up immediately

“You’re a pe.rvert get out” I said as get down from the bed

I open the big box that’s on the table and I saw five matching undies

“Is she kidding me”

I saw a little note on it “Wear this to make you look sxy infront of my brother”

I chuckled and fold the paper really tight then throw it inside the bin

My phone made a sound and I turn back immediately staring at the phone that’s beside Alex

He check my phone,he widened his eyes and I wonder what he saw
“Someone sent 1Million dollars into your bank account” he said

“From who??” I asked
“From dad” he replied and I widened my eyes
“Alex give me a minute”

I hastily rush out of the room then went to Mr Rodriguez room, I knock on the door gently
“Come in”

I open the door and I saw the man taking his drugs, I smiled
“Have you seen it?” He asked

“Thank you sir” I replied and he smiled
“You’re my daughter so you don’t need to thank me, if you need anything don’t hesitate to tell me” he said and I nod my head

I smiled “good night sir”
“Sweet dreams”

I close the door and was about to walk away when I saw a figure in front of me
“It’s me Lucia”

She remove the black hoodie she putting on and I sigh heavily

“Sorry for scaring, this your gift”

“I’m sorry it’s small”

She drop a box on my hand, I open the box and I saw two wild nighties, pink and white
“No it’s okay I love it” I said

“Oh that’s better”
“Lucia can I say something?”

“Sure go on”

“Why do you fancy black color, this black is not showing your true beauty, it’s just bringing out a wrong impression on you, people will think of you as a psycho so why you try to change……..you can still wear your black, but please try to wear it with other colors so people won’t see you as a weirdo” I said and she just stare at me

I scratch the back of my neck “I think I should get going” I stuttered and ran away without waiting for her reply

I enter the room and I saw him sleeping, is he really sleeping??

I drop the box then went to join him on the bed, I made him wrap his hands around my waist and rest my hand on his cheek staring at his face

I brought lip closer to his and kss him lightly, I love him

I rest my head on his chest and he pull me close to his body, I smiled as I finally close my eyes to sleep

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

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