60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 44

Alex pov
“Send the report to my office” I said to the nurse standing in front of me

“Okay sir” the nurse said and walk away
I glance around and I saw five nurses rushing out of the hospital

What’s wrong???

Immediately I saw them pushing three girls that’s on the emergency bed, the girls are badly hurt

“From where??” I asked
“Brook college” the nurse replied rushing her words

I watch as they push the girls into the emergency room, Brook college that’s Lila school


I tilt my head to see Lila staring at me, there’s a little bruise on her lip. I rush over to her side resting my hands on her shoulder

“Hey Lila what’s wrong??”
“Nothing is wrong” she replied

“What happen to those girls?”
“How do you expect me to know” she replied.
“You know what let’s go to my office to talk about this” I said as I intertwine my hands into her hands

We walk to the elevator and I press the button multiple times before the door open, we enter the elevator and the door close immediately

“Why is there a cut on your lip??” I asked
“I fell down” she replied

“Lila are you sure you did not cause any trouble?”
“Alex believe me I fell down” she replied

I nod my head, she kept her eyes down avoiding eyes contact with me.

Something is fishy

The elevator door open and we step out, we entered the office and I saw Mr park waiting for me

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting” I said and he smiled
“It’s okay Alex”

I let go of her and went to sit down beside Mr Park while Lila sat in front of me
“Lila tell me the truth I won’t yell at you, just tell me what happened” I said

“I’m not lying I fell down” she shrug
I went to the table, I put the landline phone on my ear and press a number

She pick up immediately

“Tell Olive to come to my office right now” I said and drop the phone

Mr park was staring at Lila weirdly and I smiled,,,,,,, Mr park is just like a father and a friend to me so I trust him

“Mr park why the stare?”
“She look like your special patient” he replied still staring at her

“This her twin sister delila, the girl on that bed is delili,,,,,,, Lila is my wife” I said and he smiled
“No wonder you have special interest in her case” he said and I chuckled

The door opened and Olive walked in, she bow to Lila and Mr Park
“Doc you wanna see me”

“Those three girls you rushed in earlier do you know what happened to them?” I asked
She scratch her neck as she fix her eyes on Lila who just cover her face with her palm

“If I tell you will you believe it?” She asked
“Why not” I replied
“While I was treating them, they keep shouting your wife name, saying they are gonna deal with her” she said

“Why will they deal with Lila?”
“They all claimed that Lila beat them up” she said and I widened my eyes

Mr park glance at me then glance at Lila then glance Olive whose eyes is still fixed on Lila
“You can leave” I said

I sat on the couch and face Lila, I don’t know when I screamed out in frustration
She flinch avoiding my stare, I scatter my hair with my hands

“Lila is that true?” I asked
“Alex I did not beat them I just wanted to teach them a lesson”

“By beating them up” I replied
“No I did not beat them, they are the one that beat themselves up” she said and pout her lip

“Lila you did not touch them and they are badly hurt like that??, Are you really a lady??

“They wanted to hit me and I keep dodging it, that was how they beat themselves up” she said and I just stare at her

Is she girl or boy which one

Today she will act like a lady tomorrow she will act like a guy

“Lila do you know the damage you just cause”
“If you don’t believe me you can check the CCTV in the toilet” she said

I just stood up and went over to the window side, I brought out my phone and dial Cole line

“Lila have cause another trouble” I said

“What’s the trouble?”

“She beat up three girls In the toilet so I want you to go to Brook college and clear everything,,,,,, please I don’t want to see this on the news” I said

“Alex don’t worry I will handle it” he said

“I will double your salary”

“You’re the best” he said and I smiled

I cut the call and dip my hands inside my pocket staring at beautiful view, thinking on how to handle this case

“Alex I guess this not the right time to talk about the special patient I will come back later” Mr Park said and I nod my head

She is a pain in the a$s
Always causing trouble for me

I just hope Cole handle this issue very well

I jolt out of my thought when I felt a hand wrap around my waist, that fragrance I can identify it anywhere

“Alex I’m sorry,,,,,,,are you mad at me?”
I turn around and rest my hand on her shoulder staring at her

“I’m not mad at you but I want you to promise me something” I said

“Name it, anything”

“Don’t cause any trouble for me” I said and she nod her head

I pull her into a warm hug and she reciprocate wrapping her hands around my waist
I smiled

“Thank you for your concern on my sister” she said
“It’s nothing just don’t cause any trouble for me” I said

“I won’t cause any trouble”

She disengage from the hug then pulled me down to her level and kssed my lip, I widened my eyes
I’m the one that’s always doing the kssing

“That was a mistake” she said and let go of me.
She was about to walk away when I held her hand and pull her back then kssed her.

She wrap her hands around my neck dipping her hands in my hair, I carried her up making her wrap her legs around my waist

“Won’t someone barge in?” She asked
“I wanna enjoy this moment before you change back to your crazy behavior” I said she giggled

I move forward then drop her on the table, my hands still on her waist.
“No more kssing” she said and I widened my eyes

“Now you are back to your crazy behavior”
“I wanna get down” she said

“Let’s stay like this for some minutes”

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

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