60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 42

***Dining room***
The whole Rodriguez family were all sitted round the large table, the maids were serving and dropping different type of food and cutleries

James sitting at the center, at the edge of the table Isabel and Georgia on each side, Isabel by the left and Georgia by the right

Everyone is in the dining room apart from Lucia,,,,,,,, Kehlani is on the phone doing video.
Harris mind is occupied, hoping Lila and Alex haven’t spill the tea out to James, Lila and Alex secretly staring at each other every minute without people noticing what’s going on

In the Rodriguez family, there’s love and there’s hate,,,,,, Lucia and Harris are not in good terms always fighting very time…………. Georgia and Lila drama

The maids are finally done serving and dropping different type of food and cutleries
The maids all move backward, everyone start eating then Lucia walked dressed up in black, headset is on her neck and two hands occupied with her phones

“Sorry for coming late”

Harris glared at her and Lucia raise her middle finger up, the F**k you sign

“Hey Lucia do you just raise your middle finger up at me” Harris snapped

She glance at him twitching her pink lip, “Is that why you are shouting my name like a stray dog”
“Did you just call me stray dog” he widened his eye

“Yes I did what are you gonna do about that?” She said
“You’re an intruder”

“And you are a bastard” Lucia said
“Hey are you kids okay?” James snapped and everyone kept quiet immediately

“I’m sorry Uncle”
“Dad I’m sorry”

“Now sit down and let us eat this breakfast in perfect peace” James said

Lucia reluctantly sat down but not without Harris giving her a hateful glare

“And Kehlani can you drop your phone for a sec” Georgia said
“Mum I’m doing something very important” she replied

“Kehlani!!” James snapped and she reluctantly drop the phone on the table
“I’m sorry Dad”

Everyone eat in perfect silence, Lila was the first person to drop her cutleries down
“I’m done eating,,,,,I will be going to school now” Lila said smiling

“Hey you barely eat anything” Alex said
“I’m not really hungry”

She stood then hung her school bag on her shoulder and was about to leave the dining room when Alex voice stopped her
“Let me drop you off”

Alex stood up and went out of the house with Lila, first time he’s gonna drop her at school
“I’m going out uncle” Lucia said and stood
“Lucia can you drop me off at school” Isabel said

“What happen to your car?”
“It’s in good condition” she replied smiling
“Then go to school with your car, do I really have to drop you off”

“My driver is not feeling too good” Isabel replied
“Your driver is always sick” Harry said, Isabel glared at him playfully

“Uncle you need to get her a new driver, I’m tired of being her driver” Lucia said and Isabel chuckled

They walk out of the Mansion, Isabel enter the sport black car and Lucia enter the other side and drove out of the garage in full speed
She put on a sunglass and black nose mask with her packed up in ponytail making her look breathtaking

There’s a perfect silence in the car, only the sound of the music playing that can be heard
“Lucia can I say something?”

Lucia glance at Isabel then divert her eyes back to the road, she smiled as her finger tap the wheel multiple times
“What do you wanna say”

“I have been curious about something,,,,,,why do you like black color…….. everything about you is black expect your skin” Isabel said and stare at her

“That’s a good question and I’m gonna adjourn the answer” Lucia smiled
“Come on Lucia just reply me”

“I love black because it makes feel cool and look good” Lucia said

“That’s a white lie” Isa said and Lucia chuckled
“I’m serious,,,, that’s the truth”

“Can you kindly change your clothe and your behavior,,,,you act weird” Isabel said
“How am I weird?”

“How will you wake up in the midnight and you will be scaring everyone, you made Lila to faint last week…… that everyone thought she’s gonna die or lose her memory cause she hit her head hard on rail” Isa replied and Lucia laughed

“You’re still kid,,,,,,, anyway get out from my car”
“Why??? Are you mad at me??”

“You’re in school so get out” Lucia said
“You’re too rude”

She hung her bag on her shoulder and step out from the car reluctantly
“Hey Isabel take this”

Lucia step out from the car and throw a bundle of cash on her, Isabel caught the cash
“For what??”

“Your transport, I can’t come and pick you after school sorry” Lucia said rushing her words, she enter the drove out of the school compound before Isabel could open her mouth to talk
“Hey Lucia!!!!”

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

Alex pov
“Alex thank you for dropping me off” Lila said and I find myself smiling at her

“Are you still feeling pains?”
“No I’m okay now” she replied

I stare at her, damn it why did I not notice it,,,,, this beauty I just find myself smiling hoping to have chance to taste those red lip again
“Mm Cole can you excuse us for moment” I said

Cole unbuckle the seat belt and step out of the car making sure the window is whined up
I held her small hands as I stare at her, the beautiful blue ocean eyes

“Is there something on my face??”
I smiled, I move closer to her and kss her lip passionately, she reciprocate wrapping her left hand around my neck and the right hand in my hair

I broke the kss as we breathe heavily running out of breathe, I rest my forehead on her own smiling at her

“What are you doing to me” she said softly
“I wanna amend my mistake”

“Lila please stay safe for me okay, if you notice anything strange don’t hesitate to call me” I said and she nod her head

I let go of her and watch as she hung her school bag on her shoulder
“I should get going on” she said
“Wait here”

I get down from the car and walk to the other side to open the door for her, as soon as I step out and the student saw me they started screaming their lungs out

I open the door and stretch my hands forth, she drop her hands on mine and step out from the car smiling at me

“Don’t cause any trouble” I said
“If only they keep their mouth shut and know their boundary” she said and I laughed

“Don’t cause any trouble for me”.

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 41 – 60

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