Chapter 16

Few hours later

“You can come now, happy hospital” I said and cut the call

After resting for two-three hours, now I’m ready to go out. Today is stressful for me, Alex mom is the one making my day very worse with her loud voice and nag.

I opened the door and I saw Georgia at the door glaring at me.

“Heart attack…………….. what are you doing here?” I asked as I shrugged

“I have been knocking for the past thirty minutes” she replied.
“Oh sorry I was sleeping” I said

“You were sleeping when I asked you to leave this house, listen my son can’t marry cause you are not in his class, you’re too local for his level” she said

“Excuse me mother” I said

“Don’t call me mother, I’m not your mother and I can never be your mother” she said and I just rolled my eyeballs

“Listen I love Alex Rodriguez and he loves me too, I don’t care about that girl Rachael she’s just his fling I’m the legit wife here so……….. remember that” I said and I walk past her making sure I hit her shoulder hard.

I was going downstairs and I saw Harris coming upstairs while holding a bottle water, he saw me then stop walking

“Mrs Rodriguez” he said and I ignored him, I walk past him without saying anything.

This family look perfect to the whole world but trust me it’s not perfect, I can smell hatred, jealousy and drama in this family

I got outside and I saw Cole, I thought he went out with Alex, what’s he still doing here
“Cole” I called

“Ma’am are you ready” he asked
“I’m ready let’s go” I said as I enter the car



“I thought you followed Alex to the hospital” I said

“I wanted to follow him but he asked me to stay at home that you are going out, that I should be the one to take you and no one else” he said

“Tçh! That’s so nice” I said and smiled
He drive the car inside the hospital and park in the garage

I get down from the car before Cole could get down “wait here” I said

“Alex said I should follow you to anywhere you are going to that means I’m now your personal assistant” he said

“But I prefer female” I said and he laughed
“Let’s go” I said.

I walked inside the hospital ignoring the alluring stare from the patients

Why are they staring at me
Is there something on my face
I entered Lily ward and I saw Ryan and Yuri in the room sitting on the chair

“Cole please give me some space” I whisper and he walk away
“Sorry I’m late” I said

“Hey Lila where are you coming from” Yuri said as she stood up
“From home” I replied

“When is she going to wake up?” Ryan asked
“We don’t know” I replied
“Where’s my mom?” I asked

“She went to get something” Yuri replied.
I just stood while staring at lily lying on the bed, with oxygen on her nose, the machine that’s monitoring her vitals, her beautiful face. Lily please wake up I promise not to be rude and bossy to you

The door open and we all turn to look at the door, Alex walked in with two other nurse behind him

“Mr Alex what are you doing here?” Yuri asked
“I’m working” Alex replied

“Wait you are a doctor and you are in charge of lily health” Yuri said

“You are so smart to find out” Alex said as he check the machine that’s beeping, he remove the needle that’s pierced inside lily skin, he drop the drip and needle inside the stainless plate the nurse is holding

“I heard people spend 5 years in coma, is Lily going to spend a lot of time in coma?” Ryan asked

“Lila who’s he?” Alex asked
“Our friend” I replied

“Our friend?” Alex said
“He’s my friend, lily friend and Yuri friend” I said
“Now I understand” he said and I smiled

“Sir should we give her another pant of water?” One of the nurses asked
“No, that one is okay for her” he replied

“Lila are you coming to school tomorrow?” Yuri asked

I glance to look at Alex, he just stared at me with an unexplainable look

“I don’t know yet” I replied
“Lila we need to talk” he said and walk away with the nurse following him

“Guys let me go and see him I will be very fast about it” I said and walk away

Hope I did not offend him
I gently hold the knob and pull down and the door then I entered and close the door

“You wanna see me?” I said
“Is he the guy you were talking to earlier today in the car” he asked

“So you were listening to my conversation” I replied

“I have to listen to it cause your voice is very loud and I can’t concentrate on what I was doing” he said
“He’s the one” I said

“Go and get prepared you are going to school tomorrow” he said

“So I don’t have interview or something that involves the press” I said.
“If you have any interview or meeting that involves your presence I will let you know” he said and I just nod my head

“Is Cole really my personal assistant?” I asked
“He’s the one” he replied

“But I prefer a female” I said
“Stick to him like a glue” he said and I just rolled my eyeballs

“You’re not caring” I said
“Why will I be caring to you when I’m not in love with you, Lila remember this marriage is base on contract so don’t expect any attention or love from me…………and you are free to date any guy you love but make it’s not in the watch of the press” he said

“I hate you do you have to be straight forward” I said
“If you don’t have any question to ask just use the door” he said

“Ba$tard” I muttered silently and walk away, close the door very hard

I walk inside and I could not find them but I saw my mom
“Where are my friends?” I asked

“Outside the building they are waiting for you” she replied

I went outside with Cole and the patients won’t stop giving me an alluring stare

“She’s the one”
“Is she really getting married to him”
“She’s so lucky to be on his bed”

“It’s a fake marriage” I heard, that word fake made me to stop walking, I twitch my mouth and I turn around to see the patients.

“What is she up to”

“I don’t know which one of you that said my marriage is fake, are jealous he chose me or do you want to be on his bed too” I said as I flaunt the diamond ring

“I’m gonna be Mrs Rodriguez so watch your words” I said and walk away

“That was good but you don’t really have to reply them” Cole said

“If I don’t reply them they will take me for granted” I said

I saw my friends outside looking at something on Ryan’s phone
“What are you guys looking at?” I asked

“Is it true you are getting married to Alex Rodriguez?” Ryan asked
“Yeah and the wedding is next week” I replied

“When do you guys fall in love, when do you guys start dating?” Yuri asked

“Actually it’s fake marriage, he ask me to be his wife for 60 days, to the world I should act like his real wife but in the room we should ignore each other” I whisper

“And he’s going to treat Lily cancer for free, clear her hospital bills, give me 20 million dollars and a Mansion” I said

“That’s pretty much” Yuri said
“I’m coming to school tomorrow so expect me” I said

“No problem, good night” Ryan said
“Ryan drop me home please” Yuri said

“Okay then let’s go”


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