60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Written by Authoress Mide

Chapter 23

Alex pov
“Cole cancel the interview with KBS” I said
“But your dad made it compulsory for you” Cole said and I just slap my forehead

“Just reschedule it to another day” I said
“Okay sir”
“What’s trending?” I asked

“Your wife” he said and I widened my eyes
“What!!!!……. the press caught her with a guy” I half yelled

“Alex I did not say that, your wife is having fun with your sister Kehlani in your villa and your wife also get into an argument with Rachael” Cole said and I twitch my lip

“Let me see it” I said

I collect the iPad from the him, I watch the video of Lila bending Rachael finger and the video where Kehlani and Lila was having fun.

She’s looking beautiful and hot in that bikini she’s putting, this girl is crazily set

I drop the iPad on the table

“You can leave” I said

He left with the iPad, I roll the sleeve of the white shirt I’m putting on and rest on the chair.

But she told me this morning that she is going to Ryan’s house not knowing that she’s going to my Villa with Kehlani

The door open and and Samantha walked in, she’s wearing a white leather skirt, a white top and a brown boot with a white lab coat matching the outfit

“Good morning doctor” she said and kss my lip deeply


She broke the kiss and flash me a beautiful smile, I chuckled

“Today is day one right??” She asked
“Day one??”

“Dating……Alex let’s date” She replied
“You really want a relationship with me” I said

“I can’t really wait for your contract marriage to be over” she said and I smiled
“How’s Lily health now?” I asked

“Alex I’m talking about starting a r®mantic relationship with you and you are here talking about that sick girl so I’m not important” she said

“Samantha is not like that…….”

She frown at me, oh goodness I’m not ready for all this

“I’m sorry okay fine let’s date……..I will learn to love you” I said

“You will surely learn baby……. today is day one” she said and kiss my lip again staining my lip with her lip gloss

“Should we go for a round” she smiled
“Sorry boo your girl is kinda busy right now” she said

“Come on you can’t do me like this” I said.
“I’m punishing you for ruining my mood earlier” she said

“But I already apologize” I said
“No Baby boo”

She walk out of the office swinging her pretty a$s…….. temptation

“I will give you a chance Samantha but don’t be like Rachael” I muttered silently

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

Lila pov

Early the next morning I get dressed up and we went back home to the Mansion

When I get home, I hastily went to the bath and change my outfit to blue jeans skinny trouser, a yellow crop top with a boot that reach my knees

I saw Alex in the room and we totally ignored each other as if we are strangers.
I step out of the room and I saw Gwen, Steve and Pete standing at the door

“Lila you are going out again” Gwen said
“I have to go and see my sister let’s go” I said
I walk downstairs and I bump into trinity, the glass cup she was holding fell on the floor breaking into pieces

“Oh my god I’m sorry” I said
“No it’s okay Lila” she said and smiled at me
“It’s never gonna be okay” I heard a familiar voice

That voice I can recognize it anywhere, even if I’m asleep I can still recognize it
“Mom she already apologize” Trinity said

“Trinity mind your business…… Lila do you know the worth of this cup, it can buy you and your generation” she said and give me this stern look

“I already apologize what else do you want” I said
“You really want to know what I want”

“I wanna know if that’s gonna stop all this drama” I said

“I want you to leave this house and let the real owner come in or else I will make this house hot for you to live in……… you are not meant to be here, I don’t even know what Alex see in you” she said

“Mom what’s all this all about” Alex said as he walk closer to us, I guess he’s ready for work
Tuxedo really fit him unless other casual clothes that I really rarely see him In casual clothe

“Good morning son” Georgia said and smiled at him
“Alex good morning” trinity said

“Mom what’s so good about this morning…….why are you embarrassing my wife” he said calmly

“She does not reserve any respect” she said and glared at me

I wish to display my craziness to her but because Alex is here I can’t do it, i can’t risk my sister’s treatment

“Mom why all this and Lila do you really have to talk back at her” Alex said.
“I think I should just leave……and call the maid to clean the mess” trinity muttered and walk away

I tilt and face him “I’m not the problem here, your mom is the cause of this drama so talk to her and stop trying to shift the blame on me” I said and walk out on them

Yeah I’m married you doesn’t mean you can control me anyhow, it’s my life and not yours
Georgia really want to see my craziness can she take everything in??? She should not start what she can’t finish

I entered the car with Gwen, Steve and Pete and driver drove off

Notification sound

I check my phone to see a message from Ryan
💌 Where are you??
💌 Are you on your way??
I smiled
💟 I’m going to the hospital first to see lily
I sent

Lily please wake up I really miss you I promise not to argue or fight with you again

I fling my hair backward as I cover my face with my palm and the memories I have with Lily start flashing in that I don’t know when I started crying

I shouldn’t have let her go out that night???
I shouldn’t have argue with her that night??
Lily I’m sorry for my stubbornness

60 DAYS WIFE : CHAPTER 21 – 40

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