Chapter Nine

Lily pov.

The classroom is filled to the brim with only the health and Allied department student, Yuri is not here today she went to her department which is ethical hacking department.

I keep wondering why she pick ethical hacking as her course and Ryan is in the criminal Justice and psychology department so he’s not here

I was busy scribbling some words that I could not notice that someone is calling my name until lily tap my hand

“What happen” I asked as I continue scribbling the words down.
“The director is calling you” she replied and I stop writing immediately and look around the classroom

“The director is not here, he sent someone to come and call you” she said
“Another work”

I gently stood up and walk out of the class room, I was busy trying to read and memorize some words but I can’t seem to understand it cause something is bothering my mind

I entered the director’s office and I saw a man sitting in front of the director putting on a black tux, with his hair styled with gel

“Good morning sir” I said and the man turn his head to look at my direction

“Mr player” I said looking surprised to see him
“The bumper girl” he said

“Mr Rodriguez do you know her?” The director asked
“I know her very well” he replied while staring at me

“Then it’s gonna make work easy for me” The director said
“Sir how??” I asked

“Take him to your class” the director replied
“Sir what’s he here for??” I asked

“Lila don’t ask me any question” The director replied
“Sir I have a question to ask you” I said

“Lila get out” The director said
“Bumper girl let’s go” Alex said as he walk away leaving me behind

“Mr director it’s not yet over I’m still coming back so expect me” I said as I shot him a glare and walk away

“Geez she’s scary” I heard him

I came out from the office and I saw Alex standing at the door with his two arms fold together

“Are you ready” he asked and I nod my head
“Thanks for the sneakers” I said

“Do you like it?” He asked
“No but I love it” I replied and he laughed

“First time I will see you smiling” I said
“I do smile” he said

“You do smile but this smile is different today” I said as I smiled
“I don’t know why it’s different” he said

“Maybe something good is going to happen to you today” I said
“You can say so”

“Mmm so I heard you came to the coffee shop yesterday” I said and glance to see his face, he twitch his lip with his hands trapped in his trouser pocket

“I can’t even find what I was looking for” he said
“What were you looking for?” I asked

“Your department” he replied
“Nursing and Allied health department” I said
“So you wanna be a nurse?” He asked

“Something like that” I replied
“I can secure a position for you in my hospital” he said

“Wait you are a doctor?” I asked
“A surgeon” he replied

“You must be really smart to be a surgeon with this your young age” I said
“I’m not young” he said

“Stop lying I saw your age on goggle” I said
“You search for my name on Google?” He asked looking surprised

“Yeah I was curious to know the guy that gave me sneakers to know if he gave it to me for free or he want something in return” I said

“I don’t want anything from you cause you are too small for me” he said
“Do you know my age?” I asked

“You’re 19 so you are still a kid” he replied as he walk inside the classroom, I enter the classroom following him behind

“Act like you don’t know me” I whisper as I climb the podium and stood in front of the big glass standing table.

I brought the mic on the table closer to my lip and look at everyone.
“Good day everyone, I’m sure you all know this man that standing here” I said

“We know him”
“He’s Alex Rodriguez”

“You guys just make things very easy for me so Mr Rodriguez can you introduce yourself” I said

“I don’t need an introduction since they already know me so I will go straight to business” he said

“Mr businessman” I said as I grit my teeth hard and move away, I won’t let you go scot free, I walk past him and intentionally match his foot with the black boot I’m putting on

I glance to see his reaction and I saw him gritting his teeth with his hands on the glass table holding it tightly

“Lila Thompson” he said as he grit his teeth
“Any problem Sir” I said as I shrug and smirk

“No……….just go and seat” he said



This dude is a pain in the a$s, a real definition of a troublemaker, his family and friends are really doing a great job on him but he’s cool

He gave everyone his full attention when he was lecturing us, it looks like he really love this class

“So that’s all for today” he said and they mumble saying no

🗣️No continue
🗣️I really enjoy your class
🗣️Or you enjoy staring at his face”
🗣️He’s perfect in everything
🗣️I want him on my bed tonight
🗣️If he handle you trust me you won’t be able to stop thinking about it, you will keep begging for more

Those were the words I heard from them, bad students he can’t have anything to do with them cause they are too small for his level

“I will come next time so I have to go” he said
I stood up from my seat and walk over to his direction, and stood beside him then smiled

“So guys that’s all for today, expect more lecture from Mr Rodriguez next time” I said

“Good day” he said and walk away
He can hear my footsteps behind cause of the sound the shoe is making”why are you following me” he asked as he stop walking and turn around to look at me

“I want to escort you as a responsible rep” I replied
“A rep??” He asked

“It means representative, in high school it’s called class cap but in university it’s called rep” I said

“I know, I’m just surprised that this small girl is the rep of her class” he said
“I’m not a small girl” I said

“To me you are still small” he said
“Arguing with you is a waste of time cause you are behaving like an American blockhead” I said

“A……Am….. American…..bl…… blockhead” he stuttered
The door open and Eliana walk out holding a black fountain pen

“Mr Rodriguez your pen” she said
“Oh yeah thanks” he said and collect the pen from her

“The pleasure is mine” she said
“So what’s your name?” He asked and I scoff
“So you wanna fIirt with her too, she’s just 20” I replied

“Same age with Lucia……..and at least she’s not 19, she more matured than you” he said
“Number one question who’s Lucia, number two I’m matured” I said

“Oh really” he said
“It looks like you guys are pretty close with the way you are both exchanging words freely” Eliana said

“I don’t know him, he’s a stranger” I said
“What’s going on” I heard a familiar voice and I turn to see Yuri holding a laptop

“Good day Mr Rodriguez” Yuri said and bow lightly
“You are Yuri” he said

“So you still remember” Yuri said
“How old are you?” He asked

“So you can fIirt with her too” I replied
“I’m nineteen” Yuri replied

“So Eliana is 20, Yuri is19 and bumper is 19………….. your friends are better and cooler than you” he said
“Your opinion does not matter” I said

“I will see you beautiful girls later” he said and I scoff

I shot him a glare and he just shrug then walk away with his hands trapped in his pocket

“Lila do you know that he’s popular and he’s super rich” Yuri said
“Yeah I know” I said

“And you’re displaying your craziness to him” Yuri said

“Lila can you introduce him to me” Eliana said
“Sure why not maybe he will stop disturbing me” I said


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