By Authoress mide

Chapter 3

Lila pov…….
“Lila I’m following you today” lily said as she stood in front of the mirror staring at her reflection

“You’re not following me” I said as I pack the bag up
“Why??? Lila stop treating me like a trash” she said

“It’s for your own good” I said
“You don’t have any right to dictate to me I’m your senior sister” she said while still facing the mirror

“You have said that many times and know something you are older than me with just an hour so don’t let it affect your way of thinking” I said as I zip up the bag and hung it on my shoulder

She turn around this time and face me with an unexplainable look
“Let me follow you to go and do house cleaning” she said

“Lily you are not feeling too good” I said
“I’m fine don’t worry about me” she said as she smiled and I smiled

She look so beautiful while smiling, I can see pain in her eyes but she pretend to be fine covering it up with a smile
“I love you” I blurted out

“Yo first time you will tell me I love you, I’m the one that’s always saying that word” she said as she pat my hair

“Lets go”



We board a taxi and dropped at a beautiful estate gate. Is this the correct address of the house cause the house smell of wealth. The gate was signed JONES and the estate is so sparkling neat

“Are we really going to clean this place???” Lily asked
“Yeah I think so”

We trek to the main gate the house is massive and beautiful.
The gate open by itself and it close by itself
“Who close the gate??” She asked

“Dummy the gate is automatic” I replied
“Stop calling me dummy I’m your older sister” she said

“Blah blah blah blah I don’t care” I said and roll my eyeballs
The guards scanned us with a machine before telling us to come in.

We admire the building as I open a back door and we entered

“Lily start cleaning so we can leave here on time” I said and gave her wiper to clean the window. The room looks so dusty as if they have abandoned it for long

Not quite long a girl older than me, she should be 20 or 21, she entered the room while chewing gum in a lousy manner

She was putting on a pink polo that barely cover her lap with her artificial blonde hair.
Her nails is very long and painted with pink and white color.

She was putting on a diamond anklet which was signed Alex
That name sounds familiar

“Lila pass the bucket of water to me” lily say
I carried the bucket that was filled with warm soapy water and was going to meet lily in other end of the room when I slipped and the water poured on her.

The lady screamed loud and flinch with her eyes burning in anger, Lily stop what she was doing and rush to my side.

“Miss am sorry it was a……….” She shut me up then brought out her phone and call the securities.

Lily was busy pinching me trying to tell me to kneel down and beg her harder.

Am in trouble, what have I done now?
From one trouble to another, first I bumped into an handsome dude tho it was yesterday and now today I slip

Why I’m I sooooo clumsy???
All because of ordinary water, the water is not even hot and it’s so clean

Am dead!!!!!

“Securities come and throw this trash out of house right now” she yelled angrily and cut the call

Soon securities troop in both male and female old and young

“Ma’am are you okay” the older man asked
“Do I look okay to you huh!!!…………..….you are so dumb” she said as she remove his cap and $lap his head three times then throw the cap on him

“Throw this commoners out of my house and you must not pay them any money” she said.
“Please don’t do this” I said as I was about to hold her hand and she hit my hand hard

“You wanna touch me with that your dirty hand” she half yelled.
“We’re sorry ma’am” lily said and bow for her.
“You’re sorry why are you commoners so stupid huh!!” She yelled

“But we already apologize to you so please give us the money” I said

“Wow you are talking back at me don’t you know who I am” she half yelled.
“I don’t know why don’t you tell me” I said

Lily won’t stop pinching me begging me to stop replying her with some rude words.
“I’m Rachael Jones the only child of the JONES family” she said

“Okay please give us the money” lily said
“You guys are beggers I will give you the money but on one condition” she said

“What is it”

“This your dumb and arrogant colleague should apologize to me by kneeling down” she said and smirk

“Never!!” I said as l was about to walk away when lily held my hand.
“Please do it for my sake, if you truly love me do it” she said

“I’m going kneel down because of my sister” I said as I slowly knelt down on the dirty water.
“Good…………. Charles pay them their money and I must not see them here again” she said and walk away

🗣️This girl is so bold to challenge Rachael
🗣️I’m loving her
🗣️Rachael have finally meet her match
🗣️She talks back to Rachael in a bold manner you are my role model

Those were the words the securities was saying about what happened.

I slowly stood up and walked away without waiting for lily or even bothering to collect the money

I’m so angry I can’t believe I knelt down for that spoilt brat that does not have manner


Sena pov…

Looking seductive, sxy and breathtaking with the dress I’m putting on.

A red fitted short gown, the front his open revealing my bbs, a small open space around the waist side revealing my fresh beautiful skin.

I dress to kill cause I’m a model I must look and expensive and breathtaking.
I walked inside his office seeing him working on his laptop

“Doctor Alex Rodriguez” I said and I smiled at him.
“Mm you look beautiful and sexy”he said and I smiled

“I wanna discuss an issue with you” I said.
“Okay go on” he said as he close his laptop and focus his attention on me especially my body, my bbs he can’t seem to resist me.
I walk closer to him while squeezing my bbs together and biting my lip

I clear his table, push him backward and sat on the table and then pull him close to me by holding his tie.

“You know Rachael is a bad girl, don’t date her cause she’s a bçh” I said as I slowly get down and sat on his lap facing him

“Oh really tell me more” he said

“She’s fake, she’s pretending to you and your mom, she does have inter¢ourse with her manager, her CEO and this famous celebrity Zayn I even caught her having it with my boyfriend, she made him break up with me” I said in form of a whisper

“Do you have any proof?” He asked
“Yeah I have all her video on my phone” she replied

“Why don’t you send it to me” he said as he sq.ueeze my bum hard.
“Let’s do a qui¢kie and I will send it to you I said.

“I don’t do qui¢kie cause it take time before I reach ¢limax so send it” he said as he kss my bbs and I smiled.

I grab my bag on the table, bring out my phone and send the videos to him
“Check your phone” I said

I watch as he check his phone then smiled, he dropped his phone inside the drawer and resume kssing my bbs.


I’m really enjoying it, Rachael is really enjoying no wonder she wants him to herself

He stopped when we heard the door open……..


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