Chapter 13


I saw a man standing at the door as soon I came out of Alex office

“Ma’am let’s go” he said
“Who are you?” I asked

“His personal assistant Cole” he replied
“Can you give me a minute I wanna see my sister in her ward” I said

“Okay no problem” he said
I walk away and I could hear his footsteps, he’s following me

I enter the ward and I saw my mom holding Lily’s hand while weeping

“Cole please can you step out for a minute I wanna have a personal conversation with her” I said

“Okay ma’am” he said and walk away
“Momma” I called

“Where have you been?” She asked

“I went to see the doctor, he’s my friend so he already cleared the bills and he’s going to treat lily cancer for free but…..” I said

“But what?? He wanna have sex with you?” She said

“No mom he ask me to be his wife for 60 days, his fake wife just base on contract and I agreed cause I can’t loose Lily, he’s going to give you one of his Mansions, a car and 20 million dollars so when he send the money I will send it to you” I said

“So my baby girl is going to get married in this her young age all because you wanna save your sister” she said as she break down in tears

I move closer to her and hug her resting my head on her shoulder
“Mom stop crying” I said

She held my hand as she stare at the beautiful ring on my finger
“He’s the one that gave you that ring too?” She asked

“Yeah to pretend to the world that we’re real couple and we’re in love” I said
“Don’t worry I will take care of your sister and please be a good girl to him and his family” she said and I smiled

“I’m going to his family house tomorrow where I will stay” I said

“Behave well and don’t display your craziness” she said and we laughed

“I wish lily is awake to see you get married” she said
“Come on mom it’s base on contract there’s no feeling attach to it” I said and she smiled

“I hope you don’t fall in love with him” she said
“It’s not possible…………I have to go now, he wants to do shopping for me to look expensive since I’m getting married to him” I said

“Be careful” she said

“Mmm okay” I said as I disengage from the hug and walk away.



“Ma’am we’ve arrive” Cole said
I stare at the big store through the tinted car window

Lila you can do it, act classic don’t forget, act as his real wife

“Okay lets go” I said as I sigh

“Don’t nervous, just act freely but classic Alex will handle the rest, just play along with him to make it real” Cole said and I nod my head.
I watch as he get down from the car and came to open the door for me, I step out from the car and enter the store with Cole following me behind

The clothe I’m putting on is still presentable, black bumshort with a white crop top revealing my flat tummy, the tight jeans bumshort I’m putting on make my shape to come out with the black sneakers Alex bought for me
I enter the store, the store look classic and I could see all eyes on me

So people are still in the store by this time of the day

“Why are they staring at me” I whisper
“It because you are beautiful” Cole replied and I blush

🗣️She’s beautiful
🗣️Who the he.ll is she
🗣️She’s breathtaking
🗣️Come and be my girlfriend

“So where should I pass?” I asked
“You are going upstairs” he replied

I walk away climbing upstairs trying my best to catwalk and look classic.
“Don’t stress yourself if you know you can’t do it” Cole said and I chuckled

“Is it very obvious?” I asked
“Only to me” he replied

“Good day what will you like to have?” A lady asked
“She’s from Alex Rodriguez, give her the outfits” Cole said and she bowed to immediately

“I’m sorry ma’am” she said
“It’s okay, the outfits” I said.



Alex pov
“You came back to America and you can’t call me” I said

“I wanted to surprise you” Samantha said and I

“So how’s Korea” I asked
“It’s fine but I miss you” she replied

“I miss you too” I said as I smiled
“I want you now I miss you” she said

“Come on we’re in the office” I said.
“Since when do you care about that” she said as she stood up and went to lock the door
“Is that how much you miss me” I said

“I miss you very much” she said as she carry her gown up, pull her undies down

I unbuckle my belt and drag my trouser down a little bit and she sit on her throne and I watch as she roll her eyeballs back and forth

“You are still sweet as always” I said as I held her bum and she ride my thing, her hands on my shoulder


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