October 18, 2024


My Comfort Zone Season 2
Princess stories
Episode 2

Anita was sitting quietly at the balcony, deep in thoughts. With her Bible in her hands, she was meditating on the Bible verse she had just read, and at the same time enjoying the cool breeze of the evening.

Her husband walked in on her, but she was too deep into thoughts to sense his presence.

“Babe.” He called out with a peck on her cheek.

“What are you thinking so deeply about?” He asked

“My sister.” She replied.

“You mean Belinda?” He asked as he dragged a chair to sit beside her.

“Yes. There’s been this burden in my heart to go see her, to pay her a visit. Infact, something tells me she’s in need of help concerning something I don’t know about yet.

I don’t know how to explain it, but I seriously need to travel down to see Belinda.” Anita said as her husband listened patiently.

“Okay so will you call her to tell her you’re coming?”

“No I don’t think so; I want it to be a surprise visit.”

My Comfort Zone Season 2
Princess stories
Episode 2

Belinda was damn busy in her office when her secretary walked in.

“You have a visitor Ma.” She announced.

“Okay, profile?”

“She refused to disclose anything Ma; she said you’d recognize her once you see her.” Her secretary said

“Okay, let her in.” Belinda said after a brief thought.

“Hi Hi Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” Anita said with a smile as she walked into her sister’s office.

“Oh My God!!!!!!” Belinda said with a scream as she left her desk to embrace her sister.

“Easy o, don’t let me choke abeg.” Anita said, feigning a cough. Belinda chuckled and finally freed her sister from the long hug.

“Sister of life! Ah ah, I’m so happy to see you. You didn’t tell me you were coming.”

“Yes, and that was on purpose. I wanted to surprise you with my beautiful presence.”

“Well-done sis, you really surprised me.” Belinda said as they both chuckled.

“So what brings you from Canada to this place?”


“Me? How?”

“Ah ah, what do you mean by how? I came to see you of course.”

“You mean you flew all the way from Canada to Nigeria just to see me? Hmmm…that’s suspicious o, really suspicious.” Belinda said with a questioning look.

“I know, right?” Anita said with a chuckle as she helped herself with a seat.

“So tell me, how are you? How has life been with you?”

“My sister fine o.”

“And the family?”

“We’re okay as well. But truth be told, your sudden visit is still a bother to me. Are you sure you came here just to see me, abi you’re on a business trip or something?” Belinda asked as Anita had a good laugh.

“I came here to see my baby sister. Infact, I’d be sleeping at your home today. That is, if your husband permits.”

“Of course my husband would permit. Why wouldn’t he?”

“Well, maybe because my visit is impromptu and you haven’t informed him yet.”

“I will inform him before we close from work today. I’m sure he won’t have a problem having you around.


“Wow! This place looks very different. I mean, it wasn’t this beautiful the last time I came here.” Anita said as she looked round her sister’s living room admiringly.


“Yes! Very much.”

“Good! So we’re even then- I surprised you, you surprised me. It’s a surprising something.” Belinda said as Anita laughed

“Lol….my baby sister can never change, always making a competition out of everything.”

“Ehe na. It’s tit-for-tat.”

“Abi? What of your husband? He isn’t home yet?”

“No, I usually come home an hour earlier before he does because of the traffic at his side.”

“And the kids?”

“They’re in their room sleeping.” Belinda said as she handed her a glass of juice which Anita sipped for a few minutes before putting it down.

“Ehe babe, my reason for coming……”

“Ehe, I said it! I knew you wouldn’t just risk your finances and take a flight down to this place for nothing.” Belinda said with a snap of her finger. Anita smiled.

“Well you’re right. Something actually drove me down to this place.”

‘Alright then, I’m listening.”

“It feels like there’s something up with you, like you need help about something bothering you. I said so because you’ve been on my mind for some time now. Your name always rings in my heart anytime I observe my morning devotion or attempt to observe my quiet time.
I wanted to discuss this with you over the phone and ask if everything is alright, but on a second thought, I decided to fly down here to see you face-to-face.”


“Yeah. So tell me, is there something bothering you so much that you need help on?” Anita asked, her ears itching for an answer from her younger sister.

“Hmmm….wow. God really does answer prayers.”

“How do you mean?”

“For some time now, I’ve been praying and asking God to send help to me concerning an issue that has been giving me so much concern. I didn’t know He’d answer me this fast.

Asin He sent you to me to help me? Wow! This is a confirmation that Jesus loves me, and is ready to see me through this challenge facing me.” Belinda said. Anita was lost.

“Okay? So what exactly is the challenge?” Anita asked. Belinda held her womb area and said softly

“I am pregnant.”

“Halleluyah!!!!! Oh glory to God. Thank you Jesus!” Anita exclaimed as she jumped up in excitement.

“But wait, how is that supposed to be a problem?” Anita asked. Belinda sighed heavily.

“I’ve been pregnant 5 times, and only two survived.” She said. Anita looked abit puzzled.

“Pregnant 5 times, two survivors. I’m sorry but I still don’t get you. Can you get clear with me on this?”

“I’ve taken in 5times; and out of the five, 2 survived. I miscarried the other 3.”

“Jesus! Blood of Jesus!!! How? And I did not know? Exactly when did all these happen?” Anita asked. At this point, Belinda was at the brim of shedding tears. Anita pulled her to herself to comfort her.

“But when did all these happen? I mean you never told me all of these.” Anita inquired when her sister had grown calm.

“I didn’t tell a soul. I was too ashamed to tell anyone. It was just between me and my husband.”

“Hmmm…..and from the look of things, you’re scared you’d have the same experience with this one, right?” Anita asked as Belinda nodded.

“Well, let me announce to you that it’s not going to happen. You will give birth to this baby safe and sound. Your days of miscarriages are over, it won’t happen again. Do you understand me?”

“Hmmm…..that’s what my husband keeps telling me but I’m scared Anita…too scared. I’m scared for my life; what if I die in the process? I’m scared of taking this risk and leaving the two kids I have motherless- who will take care of them when I die? I’m scared for my husband- he’s too young, damn too young to be a widower.” Belinda said with a worried countenance.
She then looked up and continued.

“God, I don’t know why you decided to give me this burden to carry, honestly. I didn’t ask for it.

Besides, there are so many women….so many married women like me who cry out to you day and night, begging for a child, and you decided to give it to me who’s a mother of two, and scared of having another? This is unfair God, this is so unfair!” Belinda said and sobbed quietly.

Anita wasn’t having it; she couldn’t believe the words coming out of her sister’s mouth.

“For God’s sake why are you this faithless? Haba! The battle hasn’t even begun yet, and you’re already prophesying, declaring defeat for yourself? God have mercy on you o. How many weeks gone are you?”

“Six weeks.”

“Six weeks. Have you ever thanked God for the blessing?”

“How can I Anita, how can I? It’s like you don’t understand anything I’ve been saying since we started this conversation. I’m scared of dying! The last miscarriage I had, I lost a lot of blood and was at the point of death, if not for God’s intervention. Since then I’ve been very careful of being pregnant and now this? Hei God……….”

“Belinda please stop it! Stop this attitude abeg. If you keep up with this attitude, even God will remove His hands from your matter and watch you die, watch your children go around motherless, and watch your husband become a widower.”


“What is ‘haa’? That’s what you’re wishing for yourself now. Thank God God no be man. If not, I would’ve left you to carry your cross if I were to be God because ah ah, you’re being so negative about the whole thing. Haba!”

“Hmm….so what do you suggest? What do I do to come out of this alive with the baby in my arms?”

“Ehe now you’re talking. The only way out is to actively involve God in the whole process. Emphasis on the word ‘actively’; we’re not going to be passive about the whole thing and expect God to actively look into our matter.”


“Okay so the first step now is to change your mindset about the whole matter, and develop a new, healthy one. Give off a positive vibe about the whole thing by developing a right attitude towards God.”


“Good. Tonight you’re going to thank God for gifting you with a blessing you didn’t ask, and definitely don’t deserve. Because with this your fear fear attitude, you no deserve am. So you’re to thank God for the baby in your womb. No request or expression of fear whatsoever, just thanks.”


“You can do that during your personal quiet time, the private time you meet with God to have a word with Him. Okay?”
Belinda didn’t say a word.

“Belinda, you’re not talking o. Did you hear all I just said, or you’ve been lost in thoughts?” Anita asked. Belinda who still gave no response just sighed.

Anita gave her a punch on her shoulders.

“Kai, that was painful.”

“When you’re not responding, nko? Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes yes, I heard everything. I’d discard my fears, develop a right attitude towards God and a new mindset towards the situation at hand. Then I’d thank God tonight for this gift He has given me.”


So there you have it ma’am, that’s the first step, the very first step.
I know you’re scared due to your awful experiences in the past but for God to be actively involved in this particular one, you need to develop the discard your fears and develop the right mindset. One way you can do that is by being THANKFUL.

BE THANKFUL to God for that gift in your womb. BE THANKFUL to Him because He’d guide you through the whole process and see you through. BE THANKFUL to Him because your life and that of the baby would be preserved when the whole phase is over.

In all you do throughout this period, please BE THANKFUL

P.S: This really applies to whatever situation you might be going through. Without the existence of battles, you wouldn’t know just how powerful the God you serve truly is.

So BE THANKFUL about what you’re currently facing, while asking God to teach you all He needs you to know through that situation.
Do you understand?

P.S: Please🙏 for those sending private messages, kindly go straight to the point.
I’m fine thank you. My day is going well too. Biko, it ain’t easy coming to Facebook to be replying to “Hi” when I don’t even know the next time I’d be opening my messages, since I’m not really steady here. Please🙏

Thanks for understanding 🙇‍♀️


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