Wang’s Residence**

“Just one step more and we are there” the maid that’s helping Dylan climb the stairs said

“We are here” she smiled and then helped him walk to his room

“Thanks” he muttered and fell on his bed

“You really don’t want me to tell your mom that you’re hurt?” She said

“No need, please close the door when you leave” he said and she nodded then did as she’s told

Dylan managed to take of his uniform, he changed to a red t shirt and brown joggers, his hair is always covering his green eyes so he packed it up a little

His phone started ringing, it’s a vedio call from Rong Yi, he lay on his bed and picked it

“Hey baby” Rong Yi called, she’s sitting her car

“Hi” he muttered

“So, how’s your injuries?” She asked

“Bad I can barely walk right now” he winced

“Awwn sorry baby I’ll come visit you this evening” she pouted

“Alright thanks babe, I’m hanging up it’s not save to call when to drive especially vedio calling a handsome guy like me” he winked

“How cocky, just wanted to check out your wounds and to inform you that Mr Fang gave us an assignment” she said

Dylan rolled his eyes

“Like I care about assignment, just come this evening okay” he said

“Alright baby, bye” she smiled and hanged up

Dylan threw his phone one side and lay down properly, his door kicked opened and his angry mom stepped in

“Mom” he muttered and sat straight

“Dylan I just got another complain from school” she frowned

“About…” He gulped

“Heard you got to school at lunch break period then you skipped class that means you did nothing” she crossed her arms

“Mom it’s not like that” he grumbled

“Really ion care what it’s like, say good bye to your Ferrari LaFerrari” Jiang Xue, his mom said

“Mom please, that’s my birthday gift from dad” he pleaded

“I’m seizing it and I’ll return it back when I see you’re doing better if you’re doing worse then I’ll freeze your account” she added


“Don’t mom me!!” She shouted and left

“Dmn” Dylan hit his fist on his bed

“I blame you red head” he muttered.


Evening, Li Chun’s Apartment**

Li Chun just dropped the huge bowl of congee on the dinning, Zhou Xiuying is feeding Yue while Li Chun went to take the plates from the kitchen

“So Li Chun what are we going to be having tomorrow?” Zhou Xiuying asked as she had just finished feeding Yue

“Tommorow will be maths class again, I’m damn tired” Li Chun groaned and sat on the dinning

Zhou Xiuying came to sit with her and helped herself to dish some congee in her plate

“You don’t have to be scared I’m always here for you” she said, taking a sip of the rice porridge

“It’s not like that, I really don’t care what people say about me but.. but Dylan would be there, it hurts so much seeing him laughing at me” Li Chun muttered sadly

“If he dares then I’ll break his..” Zhou Xiuying stopped and blinked

“I thought you promised me not to hit him again, you can hit Xu Feng ion care but please just leave Dylan outta this” Li Chun sighed

“I’ll leave him out only if he leaves you out, if that green eyes dare laugh at my friend then he’ll be going down” Zhou Xiuying said and looked up at Li Chun

“What will Mr Lei be teaching us tomorrow maybe I can get to teach you a little” she said

“Ion know last time he thought us completing the square methods who knows what he’ll teach next, maybe I’ll skip school I really don’t wanna get humiliated in front of Dylan” Li Chun muttered

“You’ll be fine, I have a feeling that he’s going to teach us calculus formulars, let’s learn that after dinner?” Zhou Xiuying said

“Hmm” Li Chun smiled

After dinner, Li Chun did the dish and Zhou Xiuying began teaching her as promised, they sat on the bed and learned for 5 hours straight

“Li Chun are you feeling sleepy?” Zhou Xiuying asked when she saw Li Chun dozing slightly

“Hmm hmm” Li Chun shook her head and urged her to continue

“You’re sleepy, sleeping is very important in the health because Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets your body and brain repair, restore, and reenergize. If you don’t get enough sleep, you might experience side effects like poor memory and focus, weakened immunity, and mood changes. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night” Zhou Xiuying said

“Okay, good night then thank you for teaching me” Li Chun yawned

“You’re welcome” Zhou Xiuying smiled

“Hmm” Li Chun smiled and slept on the bed then closed her eyes and drifted to sleep instantly, Zhou Xiuying smiled and lay beside her then closed her eyes and began charging.


Rong High**

“It is very important to get this history text book, I went through it earlier this morning and noticed that…”

Miss Ning the history teacher is talking when Dylan entered and walked pass her without greeting

“Mr Man” she crossed her arms

“What?” He asked

“What time is it, I hate it when students comes late, I just have 10 mins left and you’re coming does that even make any sense?” She asked

“So should I go to sit or…” He rolled his hands while speaking

Students began laughing a little

“Just go to your sit it’s not your fault” she shook her head and he walked to his sit

Most girls kept looking back at him and smiling as he’s going including Li Chun, Dylan pecked Rong Yi’s lips and sat next to her

Li Chun frowned and faced her front back

“So as I was saying it’s important to buy this history text books and let’s not forget about the cooking competition happening next week, winners gets a very huge price” miss Ning announced and took her books

“That’s all, I’ll be giving space for your maths teacher to enter” she smiled and left

Students started making noises immediately, a guy named Singnan stood up and rushed to the front of the classroom

“So guys I need all your attention over here” he waved and everyone looked at him

“I’ll be throwing a pool party at my house tomorrow and I’m inviting all of you, here’s the flyer of my address for those of you that don’t know my house” he said and began sharing flyers

Li Chun took it and smiled then looked at Zhou Xiuying

“Why are you smiling are we going?” Zhou Xiuying asked

“Of course this is a once in the life time opportunity, it’s gonna be so much fun” Li Chun gushed

“Hmm okay” Zhou Xiuying said simply

Singnan went to his sit when he saw the math teacher entered

“Good morning guys straight to the point calculus formular” he faced the board and began writing

Li Chun and Zhou Xiuying looked at themselves and smiled widely

“So, Li Chun get up and solve this equation for us” he called

“But you haven’t explained yet” Li Chun pouted

“I know” he smiled

Rong Yi chuckled from the back while Lan Singtan frowned

“Why are you squeezing your face?” Dylan asked

“You’re not blind to see that Mr Lei keeps picking on her on purpose” Lan Singtan frowned even more

Li Chun confidently took the chalk and solved the equation, it’s what Zhou Xiuying and her treated last night

“Correct again” Mr Lei creased his brows

“I told you I really have been studying” Li Chun smiled

“Woah, good job” he smiled and motioned her to get back to her seat

Li Chun smiled and rushed to her sit then high fived Zhou Xiuying, Rong Yi scoffed and rested her head on Dylan’s shoulders

“Rong Yi” Mr Lei called and she looked up

“Stand up and solve the next equation” he said.


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